Monthly Archives: September 2013


Regime forces stepped up attacks on rebel-held areas of Damascus following the US-Russian agreement on Syria’s chemical weapons; the rebels, disappointed with the recent deal, want the focus shifted to tilting the war in their favor. A recent study by a British defense consultancy estimates that nearly half of the Syrian rebels are now aligned […]


The army’s spokesman said operations in the Sinai will continue. The spokesman also said that 309 militants have been arrested in the Sinai in recent months. Authorities said they foiled a plot by militants in Gaza to attack Egyptian forces. The trial of a journalist known for covering the Sinai was postponed until Sept. 18.


Secretary of State Kerry met with Israeli officials to discuss the latest developments related to Syria. Prime Minister Netanyahu said he hopes that the US-Russia deal on Syria’s chemical weapons will result in their “complete destruction.” Israel and the Palestinian Authority agreed to resume agricultural cooperation that has been frozen for 13 years.

United States

The US and Russia have reached an agreement for the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons by mid-2014. Under the agreement, the Assad regime must deliver a complete list of the types, quantity, and locations of Syria’s chemical-weapons stockpiles to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons by Sept. 20. The option remains for punitive […]


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three civilians in an attack outside of Kandahar Airbase. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Kunar. Afghan special forces killed a Taliban commander in Herat.


A suicide bomber killed 21 people during a funeral in a village north of Mosul. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Taji and detained another in Fallujah.


The Syrian National Coalition elected “moderate Islamist” Ahmad Tumeh as the SNC’s provisional prime minister. Tumeh plans to run the SNC provisional government from northern Syria; its financing is expected to come primarily from the Gulf, and Saudi Arabia in particular. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant clashed with regime forces on the […]


A top Israeli intelligence official said Israel has been “absolutely certain” for many months that the Assad regime has been using chemical weapons in Syria. A new report suggests that Iran ceased its production of nuclear warheads in 2004.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula confirmed that Kaid al Dhahab was killed in a US drone strike. AQAP killed two Yemeni soldiers in an ambush in Hadramout. Tribesmen bombed an oil pipeline in Marib.


A Catholic priest in Zanzibar was hospitalized with burns to his face and body after an assailant threw acid on him as he was leaving an Internet cafe. He had been threatened during the past two months and had reported the threats. President Shein ordered police to expedite investigations into the rise in acid attacks; […]


In Afghanistan drawdown, US forced to take costly option in transporting military gear out


Maaloula’s cathedral and churches empty of Christians as Syria’s latest front-line fight takes its toll

United Kingdom

The Home Office said that 249 persons were arrested for terrorism-related offenses in 2012/13. Of the 249 arrested, 37 were charged with a terrorism-related offense, and so far 23 of the 37 have been convicted.


Defense Secretary Gazmin said there is no ceasefire between the government and Moro National Liberation Front rebels in an ongoing standoff in Mindanao in which 53 people, including 43 militants, have been killed, some 62,000 people have been displaced, and at least 100 people are being held hostage. Clashes also continued on Basilan, where one […]

United States

US officials are now signaling they will allow for weeks of diplomacy on the Syrian chemical weapons issue, although they say the option of a military strike remains on the table. They also said they will not insist on including the threat of force in a draft UN Security Council resolution, as doing so would […]


Seven Taliban fighters and two Afghan security forces were killed in a Taliban suicide assault that targeted the US Consulate in Herat. A Taliban suicide bomber wounded 24 Afghans in an attack in Paktika.


Al Qaeda killed 30 Iraqis in two bombings at a mosque in Baqubah; the second blast targeted those who were attempting to aid the victims of the first attack. Three Awakening members and two al Qaeda fighters were killed in a clash in Abu Ghraib. Three al Qaeda fighters were killed in a premature detonation […]