Monthly Archives: September 2013


Foreign Minister Lavrov said Syria has recently given him evidence that the rebels conducted the gas attack in Damascus on Aug. 21; he promised to turn it over to the UN. The president’s chief of staff said Russia has never supplied warheads with sarin to any country, and that the type of rocket with Cyrillic […]


A Benghazi criminal investigation officer was killed by a car bomb yesterday; two more car bombs detonated in Benghazi the day before. US special forces said to be involved in a training mission at Salahuddin reportedly withdrew after the theft of “important” equipment last month in two raids by a militia. The US announced plans […]


The Nigerian military raided a Boko Haram camp in Borno state. The army claims it killed 150 militants, with only 16 losses, but reports allege that approximately 100 soldiers were killed in the attack. Elsewhere in Borno, militants believed to be Boko Haram have begun dressing in military uniforms and killing civilians at roadside checkpoints […]


Mideast task force needed to fight Somali piracy, says expert


Atris Hussein, a Swedish man of Lebanese origin, was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison for possession of explosive materials. He is said to have been involved in a Hezbollah plot to target the Israeli Embassy in Bangkok. After his arrest, he led authorities to a warehouse that held 6,200 pounds of […]


Some 100 Moro National Liberation Front rebels who launched an assault on Zamboanga over a week ago are still holding hostages; at least 116 hostages have been rescued. A senior police commander briefly taken hostage by a small group of rebels trying to surrender was freed. The military said that 12 troops have been killed […]


Russia handed materials by Syrian regime implicating rebels in chemical attack


UN Data on Gas Attack Points to Assad’s Top Forces


Obama says he wants to test Iran president’s interest in dialogue

United States

Navy Secretary Mabus ordered security reviews for all Navy and Marine Corps bases and installations in the US, following the massacre at the DC Navy Yard yesterday; Defense Secretary Hagel plans to order security reviews for all Defense Dept. installations. A Defense Dept. audit said recent cost cuts have led to significant security lapses in […]


Analysis: Harsher US sanctions on Iran oil sales may have little effect


Iran Increases Aid to PFLP Thanks to Syria Stance


Sinai peacekeepers under siege as Egypt battles Islamists


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 33 people, including six soldiers, in a series of bombings and attacks in the cities of Baghdad, Fallujah, and Mosul. In Basrah, gunmen killed 17 Sunnis to avenge Shias being targeted by al Qaeda. The Sunnis were warned to leave the province beforehand.

Al Muhajiroun

Canadian was a ‘clear leader’ among Islamist terrorists who killed 40 workers in Algeria gas plant attack


The pilot of a Syrian helicopter shot down over Latakia by a Turkish warplane may have been killed. The Syrian military said the helicopter had mistakenly crossed over into Turkish airspace while looking for infiltrating rebels. A car bomb exploded on the Syrian side of the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey in Idlib, injuring […]


Why is Turkey sheltering a dangerous Hamas operative?


Israel’s chemical and biological arsenal in the spotlight


Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to meet with President Obama in Washington for talks that will likely center on Iran’s nuclear program. The outgoing Israeli ambassador to the US said Israel has “always wanted Bashar Assad to go.” At least 22 communities near the country’s northern and southern borders will no longer receive army security […]


Authorities reportedly arrested Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad el Haddad. Operations against Islamist militants in the Sinai continued. The army’s spokesman said operations in the Sinai will continue until they are completed. Israeli officials met with their Egyptian counterparts to discuss the security situation in the Sinai. A court ordered the freezing of assets tied to […]


Police in Zanzibar arrested 15 people suspected of involvement in acid attacks; some of the suspects are said to be members of al Qaeda and its Somali affiliate, Shabaab. The Zanzibar police commissioner said some of the suspects were preparing to “take part in wars outside Tanzania.” All 15 suspects are on police bail and […]