
Abu Abdullah al Libi, a Libyan local commander in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, was killed along with 12 ISIL fighters in a clash with a rebel group in Idlib; the Free Syrian Army denied culpability for his death. ISIL fighters attacked Al Nusrah Front headquarters in Hasaka yesterday and stole weapons and oil equipment; the clash will supposedly be mediated by a sharia council. ISIL and Nusrah have been fighting alongside each other against Kurdish YPG fighters in Hasakah and Raqqah. YPG fighters punctured a military tank belonging to ISIL and Nusrah in Hasakah. YPG fighters clashed with ISIL in Aleppo. An ISIL suicide bomber detonated in a car on the Homs-Damascus road, in the first announced ISIL operation in Reef Dimashq. A senior US official said Gulf backers have raised “hundreds of millions” of dollars for the Syrian opposition and that the amount going to Islamists is deliberately obscured.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
