United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron is said to have abandoned plans to arm the Syrian rebels after warnings from senior military officials that sending arms would not likely alter the course of the conflict or could empower jihadist elements, and that the imposition of a no-fly zone or more significant measures could embroil Britain in a lengthy war. Reports that Cameron’s wife has influenced his policy on Syria were downplayed. A recent report claimed that in 2012 more UK soldiers died from suicide (21 serving soldiers and 29 veterans) than from duty in Afghanistan (44, of which four were not combat-related). Royal Mail worker Mohammed Benares was jailed for two years for possessing terrorist material; Benares, who had links with extremist clerics Anjem Choudary and Abu Izzadeen, had 53 copies of al Qaeda’s Inspire magazine in his possession.



Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
