Monthly Archives: June 2013

Palestinian Territories

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired at least one rocket toward Israel; the rocket landed in Gaza, however. In response, Israel closed the Kerem Shalom crossing. Five Hamas members were reportedly arrested by PA security forces in the West Bank. A senior Hamas official said the group recently held meetings with US and European officials regarding […]


Auditors revealed that EU aid to Egypt has failed to stem human rights abuses and rampant corruption. The Interior Ministry announced plans to close down routes from the Sinai to the mainland in preparation for protests on June 30. Authorities are seeking to stop the flow of jihadists from the Sinai. The tourism minister resigned […]


Authorities announced the arrest of three former Palestinian Authority security force members for the 2011 shooting of an Israeli in Nablus. Defense Minister Ya’alon said the Iranian regime must be forced to decide between nuclear weapons and the regime.


The government is investigating, with the help of the FBI, the production of a video that threatened Georgian troops and the president and purported to come from the Taliban. The video was uploaded from a computer in Georgia to YouTube on June 6, hours before an attack on Georgian troops in Afghanistan. Speculation has arisen […]


Turkish police arrested four Belgians at the border as they tried to enter Syria to fight with the rebels; the four were sent back to Belgium. Last month Belgium had asked Turkey to tighten border security over concerns that a number of Belgians were traveling to Syria to fight; an estimated 100 Belgian citizens are […]


Abu Zinnira, a Boko Haram spokesperson, claimed that the group will begin targeting youth vigilante groups that have formed recently in Borno and Yobe states to counter Boko Haram’s violence. Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters are said to have regrouped in the Mandara mountains, between Borno and Adamawara states and Cameroon; there the militants have […]


Imams from mosques in Tunis and Ben Arous protested outside the Ministry of Religious Affairs on June 17 against the rising influence of Salafist extremism. The head of the Union of Imams complained that although more than 1,000 imams have suffered violence from Salafists, the government has not investigated or prosecuted any of the cases. […]

United Kingdom

The Supreme Court ruled that soldiers’ families can sue the government for damages resulting from alleged negligence by the military; in so doing, the court rejected the Defence Ministry’s claim of “combat immunity,” except for decisions made in the heat of battle or at high levels of military policy. The court also overturned sanctions against […]


Foreign Minister Eide disclosed that Norway has hosted Taliban delegates for secret negotiations in the past. He also said that Norway has “played a key role” in obtaining an official political role for the Taliban in Afghanistan.

United States

President Obama called the opening of the Taliban’s office in Qatar a first step toward Afghan reconciliation. The US has withdrawn the precondition that the Taliban sever ties with al Qaeda, and will begin peace talks with the Taliban on June 20. The US transferred primary security responsibility for all of Afghanistan to Afghan forces. […]


A suicide bomber killed 35 civilians, in an attack at a funeral procession in Mardan. Among those killed was a member of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s provincial assembly. An Army lieutenant colonel died of wounds suffered in an IED attack in North Waziristan on June 9.


The Afghan military has officially taken control of all combat operations in the country. The Taliban opened a political office in Qatar. Four US soldiers were killed in a rocket attack at Bagram Airbase. Three people were killed in a bombing that targeted a senior political leader in Kabul.


A suicide bomber killed 15 Iraqis in an attack on a Shia mosque in Baghdad. Insurgents killed two policemen in an IED attack in Ninewa. Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader in Baghdad. Police seized a truckload of explosives bound for the Egyptian Sinai.


NSA helped foil terror plot in Belgium, documents, officials say


Authorities seized a half ton of explosives being smuggled into the Sinai. A new poll found that support for President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood is declining in Egypt. Activists and tourism workers threatened to go on strike if the newly appointed governor of Luxor is not dismissed.