Monthly Archives: June 2013

United States

Wanted NSA leaker Edward Snowden flew to Moscow from Hong Kong, where officials had been asked by the US to arrest him. He is said to be heading to Cuba and possible asylum in Ecuador. The US has revoked his passport. A US citizen was among 10 foreign tourists killed by the Taliban in northwest […]


The Taliban killed 10 foreign mountain climbers from the US, Ukraine, China, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Nepal, and a Pakistani guide in an attack at a base camp in Gilgit-Baltistan. The Taliban also killed a soldier in North Waziristan and a security official in Bannu.


The Taliban killed seven policemen in Uruzgan, seven soldiers in Parwan, and two ISAF soldiers in the south. The Taliban denied that 46 of its fighters were killed in Parwan. The Taliban said it was given permission by the Qatari government to raise its flag at the “Political office of The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”


Al Qaeda killed three policemen in a suicide assault in Hawija and eight other Iraqis in other attacks throughout the country. Two policemen and six al Qaeda fighters were killed in a clash in Al Khor in Anbar province on June 21.


Sinai Tribes Reject Morsi’s Call To Surrender Weapons


The IDF said the number of rock-throwing attacks by Palestinians in the West Bank has decreased significantly in recent weeks due to arrests. At least six rockets were fired toward southern Israel by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. Israel displayed the David’s Sling missile defense system publicly for the first time.


A court ruled that Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood conspired in the prison break that saw the escape of President Morsi during the uprising against Hosni Mubarak. Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood denounced the court’s ruling. The governor of Luxor resigned after numerous public protests against his recent appointment. Four Shiites were lynched by […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Interior Minister Hammad said the “destruction” of Israel will occur in “phases.” Prime Minister Hamdallah’s resignation was accepted by President Abbas. A commander in Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s al Quds Brigades died as a result of wounds sustained following a recent altercation with Hamas forces in Gaza.


Armed Sunni militants attacked a checkpoint in Abra, near Sidon, killing two officers and a soldier and wounding several others. The clash started when the car of radical Sunni Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir, who last week urged supporters to fire on homes of Hezbollah members in Abra, was stopped at the checkpoint. Assir has also urged […]


India – Move to lower marriageable age for Muslim girls flayed


Several political groups, including Nidaa Tunes and the Popular Front, signed an accord at a Tunis conference to combat terrorism and promote human rights. The ruling Islamist Ennahda party and the Congress for the Republic (CPR) refused to participate. Adel Elmi, head of the Tunisian Moderate Association for Awareness and Reform (formerly known as the […]


Two officials of the Libyan National party face blasphemy charges that could lead to the death penalty for publishing certain cartoons during the 2012 elections. A car carrying four foreign engineers employed by a Swiss energy company was attacked by gunmen; the Libyan driver and a German engineer were wounded in the attack.


Fifteen Taliban fighters and six Afghan soldiers were killed in clashes throughout the country. The Taliban killed an Australian soldier in Uruzgan. “Gunmen” killed four tribal leaders in Faryab.


The Saga of Sinai: A Neglected Hotspot Egypt’s Morsi Must Not Let Explode


A suicide bomber killed 12 people in an attack at a mosque near Taji. Four more Iraqis were killed in a suicide attack in Azba. Twenty-two Iraqis were killed in other attacks by al Qaeda throughout the country. The government allocated $129 million to fund the Awakening.


Interview: Taliban Spokesman Says Qatar Office Marks Beginning Of Political Track


The Friends of Syria group pledged to “provide urgently all the necessary materiel and equipment to the opposition on the ground.” The group is comprised of Britain, France, the US, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Egypt. US Secretary of State Kerry said the US is coordinating with the […]


Shabaab claimed it killed five “invaders from Sierra Leon” during an ambush on a convoy near Dhobley. Shabaab also claimed it killed five “apostates” in an attack on a base outside of Baidoa. The reports have not been confirmed.


Boko Haram fighters who had holed up in the Sambisa Game Reserve seized the towns of Bama and Gwoza in Borno state and warned civil servants and Christians to leave or be killed; thousands of residents have fled. The government banned the use of cellphones in northern Nigeria because they have been used by Boko […]


Interior Minister Diaz said yesterday’s arrest of eight suspected members of an al Qaeda jihadist recruiting network based in the Spanish territory of Ceuta and the Moroccan city of Fnideq had “neutralized” the network. The alleged ringleader of the group, who remains at large, is said to be outside Spain but has family connections to […]