Monthly Archives: June 2013


A suicide bomber on a motorbike detonated near a police headquarters in Poso, killing only himself. The police suspect that the bomber was a member of the Islamist terrorist group led by most wanted-militant Santoso.


US lawmakers in Russia report no ‘specific’ clues prior to Boston attack


Insight: Simmering anger at Erdogan’s authoritarianism boils over in Turkey


Thirteen Taliban fighters and four policemen were killed during clashes at police outposts in Nuristan. Afghan officials claimed that 33 Taliban fighters were killed in Badakhshan. ISAF helicopters gunned down six Haqqani Network fighters in Paktia.


Insurgents killed three Syrian truck drivers and kidnapped four Iraqis in Rutbah near the Syrian border. Al Qaeda killed a senior counterterrorism official in Bayji. Security forces arrested four al Qaeda operatives who were transporting nearly two tons of explosives in Anbar.


Hezbollah fighters killed at least 12 Syrian rebels in an ambush outside Baalbek, in the first clash between the two groups on Lebanese soil. One report said 17 Al Nusrah Front fighters were killed while preparing to launch rockets; another said 14 Free Syrian Army fighters were killed. Hezbollah losses were put at one killed […]


A Hezbollah commander claimed that about 2,000 of the group’s fighters have entered the area around Aleppo in preparation for an attack; the Free Syrian Army estimated that 4,000 Hezbollah fighters were in the area. US Senator John McCain said Hezbollah fighters and Russian and Iranian weapons are turning the tide in favor of the […]

Palestinian Territories

President Abbas chose academic Rami Hamdallah as the new prime minister of the Palestinian Authority. Hamas condemned the appointment and said that the government did not represent the Palestinian people.


An Israeli Arab was charged with providing security information to Hezbollah. During a recent meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly told Russian President Putin that Israel would destroy advance antiaircraft weaponry that Russia may send to Syria in the future.


A checkpoint in the Sinai was attacked by unidentified gunmen for the 39th time since February 2011. The Armed Forces sent reinforcements to the Sinai to track down wanted militants. Explosives intended to be used for the creation of smuggling tunnels were seized by authorities in the Sinai. A court ruled the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled parliament […]


The Interior Minister said more than 1,700 people had been arrested in antigovernment protests in 67 cities this week but that the majority have since been released. He claimed that 58 civilians and 115 security officers were wounded in the protests, but rights groups said several people were killed and hundreds injured. Amnesty International called […]


Iran’s Arak reactor looms into Israeli, Western view


The governor of Paktika claimed that 61 Taliban fighters were killed during operations near the Pakistani border. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers and an ISAF civilian, and four Afghans in Uruzgan.


The Defense Ministry said that it arrested five members of a cell that was manufacturing sarin, mustard gas, and nerve gases. Insurgents killed two soldiers in a bombing in Babil. Iraqi troops arrested al Qaeda’s leader for Fallujah.


US drones killed eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in the Al Mahfad area in Abyan. AQAP fighters gunned down a Yemeni Air Force officer in charge of operations in Hawdramout.