Monthly Archives: June 2013

Pillar of Defense versus Cast Lead, 6 months after

In the six months since the end of Operation Pillar of Defense, only 41 rockets and mortars have been fired from Gaza and the Sinai toward Israel. After the earlier Operation Cast Lead, however, over 200 were fired in the six months following the operation.

Hezbollah’s Safe European Home Funds Terror in the Middle East–and in Europe


A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack in Kidal near the home of an MNLA officer and also close to the former home of Ansar Dine leader Iyad Ag Ghaly. The government has vowed to retake Kidal from the Tuareg MNLA before a presidential election in late July.

United Kingdom

Michael Adebowale and Michael Adelbolajo, prime suspects in the killing of a UK soldier in Woolwich, were given a date of June 28 for a preliminary hearing in the case. Prime Minister Cameron said that although the government has already held three major terrorist trials this year that sent 18 plotters to prison, “excluded more […]

United States

The US levied a new set of sanctions against Iran, targeting Iranian currency for the first time. A US court said KLM Dutch airlines was not responsible for injuries sustained by a passenger who tried to subdue underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on a flight in late 2009. Secretary of State Kerry said the US […]


A suicide bomber killed 11 students, two US soldiers, and a member of the Afghan Local Police in an attack in Paktia. The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Laghman.


Al Qaeda killed two Iraqi soldiers and wounded three more in an IED attack in Husaybah on the Syrian border. Security forces detained 12 al Qaeda members and freed a hostage during a raid on a hideout in Hawijah.


Shabaab claimed it overran a Ugandan military base outside of Mogadishu and killed 14 soldiers and captured the base commander. Shabaab also displayed two Kenyan hostages in the town of Idlib.


Foreign nationals to have harder time getting pardoned in wake of Via terror plot


US withholds millions pledged to help Syrian opposition


Defense Minister Ya’alon said that Russia will not supply Syria with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles before 2014. Ya’alon previously said Israel would “know what to do” if they arrived in Syria. Ya’alon also confirmed that Israel is operating a field hospital near the border with Syria.


Israel fast-tracks development of Arrow III defense system over Iran concerns


U.S. warned Europe of Hezbollah operations before terror attacks last year


Egypt’s government struggles to exert authority in the Sinai


French President Hollande denied rumors that France was planning a military intervention against Islamists in southern Libya, but voiced concern about lawlessness in the area. The European Union has announced a mission to help Libya secure its borders. The Libyan Defense Ministry denied asking Russia to send weapons to Libya.