Monthly Archives: June 2013


Talks got underway yesterday in Burkina Faso between representatives of the Malian government and the separatist Tuareg MNLA, which is resisting government efforts to retake the northern city of Kidal. Rights groups have reported recent abuses by both the Malian army and the MNLA.


Boundless Informant: the NSA’s secret tool to track global surveillance data


Turkey rules out early polls, thousands defy call to end protest


The minister of state for foreign affairs castigated a US Embassy official for a drone strike, and called the US attacks a “violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” Yesterday’s drone strike in North Waziristan killed six “militants.”


Two Afghan soldiers killed two US troops and a civilian adviser in an insider attack in Paktika. An Afghan Local Policeman killed seven of his colleagues in Helmand. An Afghan Local Police commander and several of his officers defected to the Taliban in Farah.


Insurgents killed three Iraqis in a bombing in Baghdad, and executed an Awakening member who was kidnapped in Kirkuk. Security forces arrested three members of a gang linked to al Qaeda in Baghdad. The Awakening issued a fatwa against Iraqis fighting in Syria.


At the opening session of the second round of the national reconciliation dialogue, President Hadi warned that “Yemen can no longer bear further crises” as al Qaeda is trying to take over more territory in the south. The dialogue process is aimed at drafting a new constitution and paving the way for a presidential election […]


Shabaab claimed it killed four Burundian troops in an ambush in Baidoa. Two people were killed in an IED attack that targeted a senior government official in Mogadishu.


Suspected Boko Haram members killed 13 people in Maiduguri yesterday; witnesses said the attackers had hid their weapons in a coffin. Eight of the attackers were killed. The previous day, security forces killed eight Boko Haram members in a gunfight in Maiduguri. On June 4, the Nigerian government formally banned the Islamist terror groups Boko […]


About 200 armed protesters attacked the headquarters of the “Shield of Libya” militia coalition in Benghazi in an attempt to dislodge the group from its barracks. At least 25 people have been killed and dozens wounded in the fighting. An army spokesperson called the Shield Brigade “a reserve force under the Libyan army.”

United States

The State Department said it is concerned about Iran’s longstanding support for the Taliban, and again called Iran the number one state sponsor of terrorism. State was responding to recent reports that Iran is now routing supplies to the Taliban in Afghanistan openly rather than secretly as before.


A suicide bomber killed five Iranian pilgrims in Baquba. An Iraqi soldier was killed in an IED attack in Mosul. The leaders of 26 tribes in Anbar and Ninewa provinces denounced al Qaeda, and said its tribal militias would assist security forces in tracking terrorists.