Monthly Archives: June 2013


Iran election: Ayatollah Khamenei’s shadow looms larger than any candidate’s


Foreign Minister Medelci said Algeria and Tunisia are coordinating to secure their shared border, under a security plan implemented three weeks ago. Some 20 key border crossings in the southern region have been identified among over 80 used by terrorists and weapons smugglers. Interior Minister Kabila said Tunisia is now confronting al Qaeda-linked militants near […]


Judge attacks ‘tide’ of online extremism as he jails terror group


NSA Snooping Was Only the Beginning. Meet the Spy Chief Leading Us Into Cyberwar


Google Says It Has Uncovered Iranian Spy Campaign


Officials: Top Obama aides split on arming rebels as they gather at White House to talk Syria


The Taliban killed eight Afghan soldiers and four civilians in attacks throughout the country. Georgia is withdrawing its troops from three bases in Helmand after last week’s suicide attack that killed seven soldiers.


Parliament approved a treaty with Britain to allow the extradition of persons wanted by the Jordanian government; the treaty must be signed by the king in order to take effect. The pending legislation paves the way for the extradition of extremist cleric Abu Qatada, who has been convicted by Jordan of terrorist offenses.

Jabhat al-Nusra

Jihadist Robin Hood? Al Qaeda-linked fighters in Syria seek to change image with social outreach


Authorities seized iron that was being smuggled into the Gaza Strip from Egypt. Four smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Gaza were also destroyed. Egyptian Islamists are planning a demonstration on June 30 to counter those of the opposition. A group of Islamists also accused two businessmen and the Gulf States of plotting chaos in Egypt.


The head of the Mossad, Tamir Pardo, recently visited Turkey to meet with the country’s intelligence officials. While in Poland, Prime Minister Netanyahu said that the EU cannot be “indifferent” to the fact that Hezbollah murdered people on European soil. Israeli pilots at a base in the north of the country said they were training […]

Palestinian Territories

Palestinian Islamic Jihad released photos from one of its camps in Gaza in which children are seen training with AK-47s and carrying out mock kidnappings of Israelis. President Abbas rejected calls from US Congressmen to fire an official who had recently praised a Palestinian terrorist who had killed an Israeli. Six Hamas affiliates were detained […]


In Libya Anarchy Reigns and International Engagement Is Sorely Needed


An expert on Libyan security alleged that Islamist militants, including Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s group, have taken refuge in southern Libya; a Tuareg member of parliament from the region denied knowledge of any terrorists there. In addition to al Qaeda-affiliated militants, Shiite proselytzers affiliated with Hezbollah have begun setting up shop in the region. Libyan security forces […]


Iran, the United States and ‘the cup of poison’


Israel accelerates cybersecurity know-how as early as 10th grade


Changing Political System of Afghanistan Will Not Be Accepted: Political Parties


Police arrested a 21-year-old Moroccan blogger in the northern city of Brescia for plotting terrorist attacks and using the Internet to wage jihad by means of his blog, Sharia4Italy. The al Qaeda sympathizer had researched sites for attacks, gathered information about explosives and weapons, and expressed a desire to fight with the rebels in Syria.