Monthly Archives: June 2013


The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Khost, four more in a mortar attack in Wardak, three soldiers in Badghis, a policeman and a tribal leader in Herat, and a policeman in Paktika.


Defense Minister Ya’alon praised Egyptian efforts to stem smuggling attempts between Egypt and Gaza. Ya’alon also said that Israeli intervention in the Syrian civil war would be counterproductive. Authorities discovered two Palestinians trying to enter Israel via a tunnel under the security barrier in the West Bank. Israeli authorities fear such tunnels may be used […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas denounced the Palestinian Authority for its recent campaign to arrest Hamas members in the West Bank. Hamas called on the PA to end security cooperation with Israel. Sweden is considering reducing its aid to the Palestinian Authority.


The Gaza border region: “A totally different sector”

Al Nusrah Front releases first official messages in 2 months

Al Qaeda’s Al Nusrah Front has released four new messages, the first such productions in two months. The Al Nusrah Front and Islamic State of Iraq suspended their propaganda operations after a dispute erupted in early April. Ayman al Zawahiri ruled on the dispute in a letter and their propaganda operations have now been restarted.


US Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms


Human rights and civic associations estimate that some 3,000 Tunisians have gone to Syria to fight with the Free Syrian Army or the Al Nusrah Front; the Interior Ministry says the number is over 500. Islamist rebels in the Jebel Chaambi area, including members of Ansar al Sharia and the Uqba Ibn Nafaa Battalion, are […]


The Foreign Ministry said Germany would stick to its position of not providing weapons to a country in a civil war, despite the US decision to step up arms to Syrian rebels in the wake of confirmation that the Assad regime had used chemical weapons. Germany has been providing bulletproof vests and first aid supplies […]

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron said the UK has assessed that ” elements affiliated to al-Qaeda in the region have attempted to acquire chemical weapons for probable use in Syria.” He also said the UK agreed with the recent US assessment that the Assad regime had used chemical weapons in Syria.


Lawmakers: Terrorists change tactics after leaks

United States

The White House promised to step up military aid to Syrian rebels after confirming that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons, including sarin gas, in small-scale attacks. Gen. Keith Alexander, head of the National Security Agency, said the NSA’s broad electronic records gathering program has disrupted dozens of terrorist attacks, including an attempt to […]


The interior ministry claimed that 50 Taliban fighters were killed in operations throughout Afghanistan. Six Afghan policemen were killed in a suspected insider attack in the Musa Qala district in Helmand.


The UN reported that over 5,000 people have been killed in Syria every month since July 2012, and that the death toll has risen to at least 93,000; over 80% of those killed are men. More than 1,700 children under the age of 10 have died; some have been tortured. Both regime forces and rebels […]


Security forces killed three al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in an operation in Abu Saida near Baqubah. Al Qaeda is suspected of executing a candidate for office in Ninewa; the gunmen used a silenced weapon.


Tribesmen killed a Yemeni soldier and bombed an oil export pipeline in the Sarwah region near Sana’a. Security forces captured a Yemeni and a Saudi al Qaeda fighter in Sheikh Othman in Aden province.


U.S. Fears Edward Snowden May Defect to China: Sources


Hamas-ruled Gaza suffers drop in aid from Iran, foreign charities because of Syrian civil war


Israeli authorities arrested a Palestinian affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad in possession of explosives. While in Poland, Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevent a second Holocaust.


A military spokesman denied reports that suggested authorities had discovered the identity of those behind the recent kidnapping of seven security personnel in the Sinai. An Israeli official recently met with Egyptian officials to discuss the security situation in the Sinai. A senior official said citizens are free to go to Syria to fight and […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas said PA security forces arrested eight of its members in the West Bank. Palestinian Authority TV honored three terrorists serving a combination of 166 life sentences. Fatah official Nabil Shaath warned that the Palestinian leadership cannot guarantee that a new intifada will not break out.