Monthly Archives: June 2013


Afghanistan – MPs Call on Information Minister to Disclose ‘Un-Islamic’ Media Outlets


Pakistan – ‘Blasphemous magazine’: FIR registered against Ahmadi owners

United States

The Defense Department approved a request from Jordan to keep F-16 jets and Patriot missiles there after military exercises end this month. Russia warned that any attempt to use the equipment to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria would violate international law. A judge threw out Maj. Nidal Hasan’s “defense of others” legal argument in […]


Hassan Rouhani, a “moderate” cleric and former chief nuclear negotiator, won the presidential election by a just over 50% majority, avoiding a runoff challenge. Rouhani has promised to ease sanctions on Iran and was recently endorsed by reformist candidate Mohammad Reza Aref, who pulled out of the race on June 11. In August, Rouhani will […]


The emir of the Islamic State of Iraq rejected Ayman al Zawahiri’s order to allow the Al Nusrah Front to remain its own group. Insurgents killed three soldiers in Al Qaim. Security forces captured six al Qaeda fighters near Tikrit.


President Morsi cut all diplomatic ties with the Syrian regime and said he was ready to start providing financial aid to the opposition. Morsi also called on Hezbollah to leave Syria. Authorities claimed to have arrested a man linked to Israel’s Mossad. A flight from Egypt to New York was diverted after the discovery of […]


Police clashed with thousands of protesters in Istanbul’s Taksim Square after Prime Minister Erdogan ordered them to clear the area for a rally by the ruling AK party on Sunday. The governor of Istanbul claimed that “provocateurs” are now using guns in the protests. Erdogan said Turkish intelligence was looking into possible links between internal […]


Somali soldiers and a militia clashed in Kismayo; 14 fighters from both sides are reported to have been killed. Shabaab’s administrator for Bula Barde is said to have died after being wounded during fighting in the region.


Gunmen in civilian clothes stormed an army base in Benghazi and stole weapons, set a police headquarters on fire, and clashed with special forces soldiers at another Benghazi base, killing six. The gunmen also attacked a military intelligence headquarters and other security facilities in the city. Benghazi airport was briefly closed for security reasons. A […]

United States

The CIA is preparing to deliver arms and ammunition, but not heavy weapons, to the Syrian rebels by way of Turkey and Jordan. President Obama’s deputy national security adviser said the US would not send troops to Syria, and would not send heavy weapons for fear they would fall into the hands of the Al […]


Syria: Britain, US and France in urgent talks on arming rebels


Police in Islamabad arrested Abdullah Umar, an al Qaeda operative who is thought to have been behind the murder of the prosecutor who was investigating the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto as well as terrorists involved in the 2008 attack on Mumbai, India. Security forces in Chaman captured a “militant” and seized suicide […]