Monthly Archives: May 2013


President Morsi said authorities have no plans to negotiate with the Islamists who kidnapped seven security personnel in the Sinai last week. In response to the kidnapping, the army sent reinforcements into the Sinai. Conscripts in the Central Security Forces went on strike to protest the kidnapping of the security personnel. A police camp in […]


Security forces killed two suspected insurgents and arrested a third after a gunbattle in a Moscow suburb; the three men were Russians who had trained in Afghanistan or Pakistan, and were said to be planning an attack in the capital. Two successive car bombs detonated near court buildings in the Dagestani capital of Makhachkala, killing […]


Palestinian prisoners used forbidden mobile phones to plot terror attacks


The government called on Boko Haram members to surrender and offered amnesty to those who will do so. Boko Haram’s leader rejected an amnesty offer last month. The military claimed to have destroyed a number of terrorist camps in Borno state and said the dislodged terrorists are “in disarray.”


Ansar Dine spokesman Senda Ould Boumama, a Mauritanian, surrendered to Mauritanian forces near Bassiknou and has been transferred to Nouackchott for questioning. He had asked for extradition to his native country last month, saying he was the target of an assassination attempt.


A court sentenced 14 Malians from Kidal and Gao to 20 years in prison for joining a terrorist group that targets Algeria, ostensibly al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The fighters had tried to enter Algeria in Illizi in January, and were arrested by authorities, who seized 74 Kalashnikovs, 41 FMs, 2 RPGs, 185 RPG […]

Unied Kingdom

The Special Immigration Appeals Commission refused Abu Qatada’s request to be released on bail while he awaits deportation to Jordan, saying the extremist cleric remained a threat to national security who had “a range of sympathetic and supportive contacts.” Qatada was jailed for bail violations in March; a search of his home revealed a “wholesale […]


Two alleged spies were hanged this morning. Iranian courts had convicted Kourosh Ahmadi of passing information to the CIA, and Mohammad Heydari had been convicted of passing information to Israel’s Mossad.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas forces reportedly seized 100 rockets and 500 rifles belonging to Fatah’s al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Gaza. A jihadist news agency accused Hamas of hacking a number of al Qaeda-affiliated forums. Hamas’ Interior Minister Fathi Hammad said he was in discussions with Egyptian officials to allow for the reopening of the Rafah crossing.


A video purporting to show seven kidnapped Egyptian security personnel was released to the Internet. The seven men were abducted by Islamists in the Sinai earlier this week. Authorities in Egypt are planning an operation to secure their release. Two journalists known for their criticism of President Morsi will soon face trial.


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is determined to keep preventing arms shipments from reaching Hezbollah. He also said it is not true that Israel prefers Bashar al Assad over the rebels. In terms of systems sold, Israel is the largest exporter of drones in the world.


Suspected Shabaab member Felix Nyangaga Otuko and his Somali wife were shot dead by police after the couple threw four grenades at the police during a raid on their Nairobi apartment. Otuko is linked to two grenade attacks in Kenya in October 2011.

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda’s Syrian wing takes over the oilfields once belonging to Assad

Morocco looks to modernise counter-terror methods


Supporters of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar al Sharia Tunisia clashed with police in Kairouan and Tunis, where some 500 militants threw rocks, set fire to police cars, and replaced a Tunisian flag with al Qaeda’s banner; police fired tear gas at the protesters, who had defied a ban against holding gatherings this weekend. At least […]


President Traore has excluded all northern factions, including the Barbiche Arab tribes, from talks on Mali’s future except the Tuareg MNLA, which occupies Kidal. He called for a decentralized government, and said the separatist issue would be addressed after the presidential election in July. The Malian military seeks to retake Kidal. France is backing talks […]


The Taliban killed nine people and wounded dozens more in a secured upscale neighborhood in Kandahar, and killed two more Afghans in bombings in Khost and Paktika. The Taliban assassinated a district police chief in Farah.


Insurgents killed 16 people, including four Awakening fighters and three soldiers, in attacks throughout the country. Ten policemen were kidnapped in Ramadi. Police arrested six wanted terrorists south of Kirkuk.


US drones killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in the Al Mahfad area of Abyan; the strike is the first in Yemen in a month. Five Yemeni journalists have been kidnapped in Marib province over the past week.