Monthly Archives: May 2013


Rioting in Stockholm suburbs continued for the fourth night in a row, and spread to southern suburbs including Hagsätra, where rioters attacked a police patrol, seriously wounding one officer. Last night alone firefighters dealt with 80 fires. The rioters have thrown rocks at police and firefighters; torched hundreds of cars; and attacked schools, stores, an […]

United Kingdom

Authorities arrested two unnamed suspects, a man and a woman from Greenwich, in the brutal murder of a soldier in Woolwich, and identified one of the suspects at the crime scene as UK-born Michael Olumide Adebolajo, a Muslim convert of Nigerian origin. Both Adebolajo and another suspect are known to authorities and were the subject […]

United Kingdom

Mum talked down Woolwich terrorists who told her: ‘We want to start a war in London tonight’


Canadian foreign minister warns of possible civil war in Iraq

American killed in US drone strike, US Attorney General says

Jude Kenan Mohammed was the eighth member of Daniel Boyd’s terror cell in North Carolina. He traveled to Pakistan in 2008, was arrested, skipped bail, and is thought to have traveled to Pakistan’s tribal areas. He may have been killed in a strike in 2011 that occurred in an area controlled by the Haqqani Network.

United States

The government acknowledged that US drone strikes have killed four US citizens in Pakistan and Yemen, including Anwar al Awlaki, who planned a jetliner bombing over Detroit in 2009 and had a key role in a 2010 plot to bomb US-bound cargo planes. Ibragim Todashev, a Chechen acquaintance of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, […]


Authorities secured the release of seven security personnel who were kidnapped last week by Islamist gunmen in the Sinai. Following their release, authorities reopened the Rafah crossing with Gaza. Hamas congratulated Egypt on securing the release of the security personnel. Jihadists attacked an Egyptian army outpost in the Sinai for approximately 15 minutes.


Police responding to reports of a clash at a tourist chalet outside Benghazi found gunmen and about 200 gelatina bombs as well as bomb-making materials. Nine people are being investigated; the military said the bombs were for fishing, not terrorism, but another report alleged the bombs belonged to a terrorist cell. A small bomb detonated […]


Abu Iyad al Tunisi, the leader of Ansar al Sharia Tunisia, called the ruling Islamist Ennahda party a “tyrant” after the arrest of the group’s spokesman and the prevention of rallies by the group over the weekend. Al Tunisi, a follower of al Qaeda-linked Abu Qatada, is wanted for the September 2012 attack on the […]


Convicted terrorist Said Mansour, ‘the bookseller from Brønshøj’, was charged again with terrorism last week, after a tipoff from Scotland Yard linked to the investigation of extremist cleric Abu Qatada in London. Like Qatada, Mansour is wanted by Jordan. Two weeks earlier, one-legged Chechen bomber Lors Doukaev was deported to Belgium to serve out a […]


For the third night in a row, rioters burned cars in suburbs around Stockholm. The unrest started in the suburb of Husby, where a week ago police fatally shot a man who was menacing a woman and the police with a machete. On May 19, over 100 cars were torched; on May 20, more than […]

United Kingdom

Two men jumped out of a car in Woolwich near the military barracks and attacked a UK soldier who was wearing a “Help for Heroes” charity shirt, slashing and beating him until he was dead. The attackers tried to film the attack, and then waited near the scene, one ranting jihadist propaganda, his hands covered […]

Petraeus’s role in drafting Benghazi talking points raises questions

Advisers Urged Obama Early On To Release Comprehensive Benghazi Timeline

United States

A three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the government need not release photographs of the corpse of Osama bin Laden. The court accepted the contention of the Obama administration that the CIA could keep the photographs secret, as an exception to the Freedom of Information Act, because their release might […]