Monthly Archives: May 2013


Five paramilitary rangers, including the commander, were killed when their pickup truck hit a roadside bomb in Pattani; another ranger was wounded. The previous day a ranger was killed by a suspected militant in a shootout in Narathiwat. There have been frequent deadly attacks in Thailand since the last round of talks between the government […]

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police arrested three more suspects in the Woolwich murder of a British soldier: one man in southeast London, and two others south of the city. Prime Minister Cameron will launch an initiative to “[deal] with extremism at its root, as opposed to just tackling criminal violent extremism,” including preventing the dissemination of hate speech […]


Seven Marines and five Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed during a clash on the island of Sulu; nine Marines were also wounded. The troops were tracking a group of Abu Sayyaf fighters behind kidnappings in the area.


A Taliban suicide assault team targeted a UN-linked NGO compound in Kabul; five Taliban fighters, a Nepalese guard, and an Afghan policemen were killed during the fighting, which lasted for seven hours. The Taliban killed four policemen in an attack in Helmand.


A government official claimed that 12 Shabaab fighters were killed after clashing with a group of nomads in Beledweyne. Three Ethiopian soldiers were seriously wounded in an IED attack in Beledweyne.


Mokhtar Belmokhtar said that his Those Who Sign in Blood Brigade carried out yesterday’s suicide attacks in Niger along with the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa. Belmokhtar also promised more attacks in Niger if the government does not withdraw its military from Mali.


Three women were killed by at least 10 men in an honor killing near Luxor. Authorities shut down five smuggling tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. Security sources alleged that President Morsi was informed of plans to kidnap soldiers in the Sinai a week before seven security personnel were abducted.


Chaos in the Sinai: Will International Peacekeepers Be the Next Casualty?


C.I.A. to Focus More on Spying, a Difficult Shift


Special forces halted and searched a truck in the Gwarsha area of the Benghazi; the vehicle was found to contain a quantity of shoulder-launched heat-seeking ground-to-air missiles, rumored to be SAM-7s, taken from Qaddafi’s arsenal. The day before, on May 23, security forces seized a large arms cache in two neighboring houses in Gwarsha that […]

United Kingdom

A Pakistani Airlines flight from Lahore to Manchester was diverted to Stansted Airport, where security officials arrested two men, both British nationals, on suspicion of endangerment of aircraft. Police said a threat had been made as the plane was approaching Manchester. A friend of Woolwich attack suspect Michael Adebolajo alleged that MI5 had tried to […]

United States

President Obama set out a new approach to the war on terror, arguing that since al Qaeda’s core was “on the path to defeat,” the US should narrow its operations to focus only on those “specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America.” Renewing his commitment to closing Guantanamo, he announced the removal of a […]


A suicide bomber killed seven people in an attack that targeted a local militia commander in Ghazni. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Kandahar and Herat, and two Haqqani Network commanders and three fighters in Paktia. ISAF claimed that the Afghan Air Force can conduct independent air operations.


U.S. to Bring Chemical Weapons Witnesses Out of Syria


A new report from the UN’s atomic energy agency said Iran is significantly expanding its nuclear program, and has started work on an alternative approach to developing a nuclear weapon. Advanced equipment for the enrichment of uranium is being installed at an accelerating pace at the Natanz plant, and work is progressing at other sites […]


Authorities arrested four suspected jihadists near Alexandria. The government decided to withdraw its annual funding for the country’s Jewish community. President Morsi said he hopes to see the kidnappers of the seven security personnel, who were recently freed, arrested. Authorities seized a variety of weaponry including rockets destined for the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian Territories

Two Palestinians in Gaza were sentenced to death for allegedly collaborating with Israel. The Palestinian leadership is reportedly putting little faith in the US effort to restart peace talks with Israel. President Abbas met with Secretary of State Kerry to discuss the peace process with Israel; some Palestinians protested the meeting in Ramallah.


Ten people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Ethiopian forces in Beledweyne. A Puntland court sentenced seven men to death for the murder of a prominent cleric. An AMISOM spokesman denied a UN claim that more than 3,000 soldiers were killed while battling Shabaab.


A group of armed assailants from “outside the area” attacked the Mellitah oil and gas complex west of Tripoli on May 20; the attackers wounded at least two guards, stole weapons, and made off with 20 vehicles. Guards at the Elephant oil facility in southwest Libya, one of the largest in the country, plan to […]


Algerian AQIM leader Ahmed Abu Abdul-Elah Al-Jigli warned the government that the group was “still committed to the directives of our Sheikh and Emir Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri…to co-operate with [post-revolution governments] in applying sharia,” and threatened “fatal consequences” for “injustice.” The terror group recently pledged its support for Ansar al Sharia Tunisia. Foreign Affairs Minister […]


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa claimed credit for a pair of suicide attacks. In one attack, five members of a suicide assault team assaulted a barracks in Agadez, killing 18 soldiers and a civilian. In another attack, a suicide bomber attacked workers at a uranium mine in Arlit.


Medet Onlu, a Turkish citizen of Chechen origin who assisted Chechen refugees, was shot dead in Ankara yesterday. Onlu had recently told a TV interviewer that the two Chechen brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings had been chosen as victims. An official from the ruling political party called for the “annihilation of atheists.” A […]