Monthly Archives: May 2013


Alleged Hezbollah member who tried to gain security clearance indicted in Texas


Although the head of Germany’s federal police, the BKA, had warned of a possible bombing by several Islamist terrorists against the 2013 soccer championship final in Berlin on May 25, the event went off smoothly. Increased security measures had been implemented in Berlin at the event and at other locations across the country.

United Kingdom

Authorities investigating the murder of a British solder in Woolwich arrested a ninth suspect in north London. Murder suspect Michael Adebolajo was deported to the UK in 2010 after being arrested by Kenyan authorities while trying to take a group of recruits to Shabaab in Somalia. A group that monitors extremism on UK campuses found […]


Eight Taliban fighters and four civilians were killed after a bomb detonated prematurely outside of a mosque in Ghazni; the Taliban had stopped to pray at the mosque. A suicide bomber killed only himself in a premature detonation in Kabul


Insurgents killed five soldiers, including a lieutenant colonel, in an IED attack in Hit, and five civilians in another bombing in Samarra. A cleric was gunned down in his hom in Mosul. Police and Awakening fighters captured three “terrorists” from Syria in Fallujah.


The defense ministry said Iran has never sent “military forces” to Syria; IRGC chief Jafari stated in September that Quds Force members were in Syria to give the government “counsel and advice.” Syrian National Coalition chief Sabra alleged that “[t]housands of Iranian forces and its terrorist collaborators from Hezbollah are invading Syria.” The US has […]


The Muslim Brotherhood said Hezbollah had lost its status earned fighting the “Zionist enemy,” due to its role in the Syrian civil war. A delegation of imams was sent by Egyptian authorities to the Sinai to counter Islamic extremism in the area. A Muslim Brotherhood official alleged that former Fatah strongman Mohammed Dahlan is responsible […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of several villages outside of Mukallah in Hadramout province. AQAP fighters killed a policeman and a civilian at a checkpoint in Al Shihr in Hadramout.


The military said it has seized control of all of Boko Haram’s camps in central and northern Borno; six children and three women who were being held as hostages were freed. Boko Haram fighters killed a security official in Maiduguri.


French special forces and Nigerian troops killed the last two members of the Mokhtar Belmokhtar group’s suicide assault team that attacked a military barracks in Agadez. Two cadets were also killed during the raid. In all, 10 Islamist fighters, 24 Nigerien troops, and a civilian were killed in the suicide assaults in Agadez and at […]

Al Qaeda

Former Intelligence Director Cordesman Says Obama Made ‘Promise He Can’t Keep’


A female suicide bomber detonated in a car near a police building in the Dagestani capital of Makhachkala, killing herself and wounding at least 12 other people. Madina Alieva, the widow of two slain Islamist militants, blew herself up after being stopped by police for a document check about 100 meters from the regional police […]


Russia says Assad agrees ‘in principle’ to join Syria peace talks


Authorities arrested a Gendarmerie officer on suspicion of leaking documents on terrorist activity to the Turkish hacker group Redhack, which published the information on May 22. The leaked documents dealt with an alleged plan by an al Qaeda-linked rebel group in Syria to execute a car bombing in Turkey. Interior Minister Muammer Güler confirmed the […]


A knife-wielding man of North African appearance wearing a jihab attacked a uniformed French antiterrorism soldier who was patrolling a subway station in a crowded Paris business district, slashing him repeatedly in the throat. The soldier was seriously wounded, and the attacker escaped into the crowd. Officials are treating the attack as a terrorist incident.