Monthly Archives: May 2013


A suicide bomber killed three Iraqis in Fallujah. Eight more people were killed in attacks elsewhere in Iraq. Royal Dutch Shell broke ground on a natural gas field in Basrah.


Israel wary about possibility of U.S. arming Syrian rebels


Iran’s Basij Force Says It Has Come Under Cyberattack


Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Israel will be a bi-national state if peace talks with the Palestinians are not renewed. Former Prime Minister Olmert warned that Hezbollah may already possess chemical weapons. France’s Ambassador to Israel said Hamas will remain on the EU’s terror list. Israel partially reopened the Kerem Shalom crossing, which had been […]

Palestinian Territories

Five Hamas members were arrested by PA security forces in the West Bank. PA Foreign Minister al Maliki said the Palestinian leadership plans to halt efforts to join the ICC to give efforts to restart peace talks a chance. The move was criticized by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. A Fatah official called for the […]


A blogger and activist known for criticizing President Morsi was detained by authorities. Authorities destroyed a large smuggling tunnel used to smuggle cars and other goods near Rafah. A weapons smuggling attempt through the Sallum terminal was also thwarted.


The Taliban assassinated a member of the High Peace Council in Helmand and captured 28 policemen in Faryab. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Ghazni. Pakistani and Afghan troops clashed in Nangarhar.


General Abas, the Somali military commander in the south, said the security situation in Kismayo is deteriorating. A female suicide bomber was captured while attempting to attack a Kenyan base in Kismayo.


Some 170 detainees escaped from Sebha prison yesterday; some have returned voluntarily to their cells, but a large number have disappeared. Rogue militias calling for the passage of a law barring former Gaddafi regime officials from holding office continue to blockade the Foreign and Justice Ministries in Tripoli. The UN called for dialogue.


The Pentagon said the US has sent about 10 military personnel to Mali to provide “liaison support” to French and African troops in the battle against Islamists in the north, and that 12 other US military personnel are assigned to the US embassy in Bamako. Gilles Le Guen, a French jihadist recently captured north of […]


A court in the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don is hearing the case of Ali Taziyev, a.k.a. Magas, a top commander in the Caucasus Emirate Islamist insurgent group. He was arrested in 2010, and faces 24 charges of terrorism, including planning the assassination attempt against Ingushetia leader Yunus-Bek Yevkurov in 2009. A bomb detonated in […]


What could U.N. sleuths unearth at Iran’s Parchin base?