Monthly Archives: May 2013


As many as 200,000 Islamist protesters blocked roads into the capital of Dhaka, demanding the adoption of a blasphemy law. Clashes between police and rioting protesters killed at least three people and injured 60 more. The protest was organized by the newly-formed radical group Hifazat-e-Islam, which wants the death penalty for anyone who defames Islam. […]


Syria strike shows Israel’s security burden increasingly borne by air force


An Afghan soldier killed two ISAF troops in the west. The Taliban killed five ISAF soldiers in Kandahar and another ISAF soldier in the north, and captured seven Afghan Local Policemen in Faryab.


The bodies of two US crew members from an Air Force refueling tanker that crashed near Chaldovar were found; a search is on for a third crew member. Officials said the plane appeared to explode in midair. At least 15 men from Kyrgyzstan are said to have traveled to Syria to fight with the rebels. […]


Insurgents killed seven Iraqis in a bombing at a Sunni mosque in Baghdad. Al Qaeda killed two soldiers in Taji. Security forces detained a wanted al Qaeda leader in Mawahil and three al Qaeda propagandists in Anbar.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh said preparations are underway for the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to Gaza this month. Hamas said PA security forces arrested 38 of its members in the West Bank in April. Four members of Hizb al-Tahrir were arrested by PA security forces in Jenin. Denmark and Finland plan to upgrade Palestinian […]


Shabaab’s emir called for more “martyrdom operations” against the Somali government. The United Nations established the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNAMIS). Security forces detained 70 suspected Shabaab fighters in Beledweyne.


Thirty-nine people died and 30 were seriously wounded in clashes in Taraba state after a Christian funeral procession passed through a Muslim neighborhood. Gunmen arrived in a convoy of 50 Hilux vans in the Boko Haram stronghold of Marte in Borno state and burned down all the public buildings, including schools, hospitals, and telecommunications masts, […]


An armed militia attacked and broke up a meeting of government supporters in Benghazi. Misrata militiamen in Tripoli thwarted the kidnapping of an anti-discrimination activist in Tripoli.


A government report said there are currently at least 30 Swedish nationals fighting with “groups similar to al Qaeda” in Syria. The report called Sweden “far behind” other EU countries in preventing militant Islamism, and recommended that travel abroad for terror training be outlawed. The report said while Germany has a program for former jihadists, […]


Hamas’ Meshaal Says Latest US Peace Efforts ‘Will Fail’

United States

The FBI has found radical Islamist material, including al Qaeda’s online magazine, on the computer of the widow of slain Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev. A federal judge reversed a lower court’s decision to release would-be jihadist Abdella Ahmad Tounisi to home confinement, saying he is a flight risk. Tounisi’s family apparently knew of […]


A US Air Force tanker used for refueling planes over Afghanistan crashed and burned shortly after takeoff from Manas airport. The status of the reported five-person crew remains unknown.


The paramilitary Basij force of the Revolutionary Guard announced that it was the target of a cyberattack. The force alleged that the attack originated in Poland and was timed to have an effect on the June 14 presidential election.

Investigators sharpen focus on Boston bombing suspect’s widow


Security forces clashed with a group of Islamists outside the National Security headquarters near Cairo. The protesters were seen waving black al Qaeda flags and wrote on the gate of the headquarters, “We are all Osama Bin Laden.” Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris returned to Egypt following a self-imposed exile.