Monthly Archives: May 2013


The Taliban killed a police officer and wounded three more in an IED attack in Kunduz. President Karzai said the international community has failed to secure Afghanistan. Unemployment in Afghanistan rose by 500,000 over the past year.


Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda leader in Mahmudiyah just two days after he entered Iraq from Syria, and three al Qaeda fighters who were transporting IEDs in Anbar. Two people were killed in a bombing at a mosque in Abu Ghraib.


The rebel Yarmouk Martyrs Brigades seized four Filipino UN peacekeepers in the Golan Heights; the same group seized 21 Filipino UN peacekeepers in March, holding them for several days. The US and Russia agreed to try to convene a meeting later this month between the Assad regime and the opposition in an effort to resolve […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu has reportedly tried to curb settlement construction in the West Bank, in the hopes of helping the US revive peace talks with the Palestinians. Defense Minister Ya’alon said Israel will not allow any transfer of “sophisticated weapons” to Hezbollah. Israel is looking to renew contact with the UN Human Rights Council, after […]

Palestinian Territories

A Hamas official called for the resumption of “martyrdom operations” inside Israel. Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the Palestinian leadership had not been notified of any settlement freeze by Israel. Hamas forces in Gaza broke up a protest against Israel’s recent airstrikes in Syria. A number of cameramen were reportedly arrested.


Why Israel’s Interceptors Can Stop Syrian Missiles — And Why It Attacked Anyway


Bosnia tells Iranian spies to leave …. to no avail

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Ministry announced that 166 convicted “extremists” have graduated from the government’s rehabilitation program. Since its creation for years ago, the Saudi terrorism court has passed judgment on 2,145 defendants accused of supporting terrorism in the country; some 2,800 other such defendants are currently on trial.


Some 200 heavily armed Boko Haram militants launched coordinated attacks in the town of Bama in Borno state, killing 22 policemen, 14 prison officials, two soldiers, and four civilians, and freeing more than 100 prison inmates. Arriving in buses and pickup trucks and dressed in army uniforms, the militants attacked an army barracks and a […]


Defense Minister Barghathi resigned but then withdrew his resignation after being asked to remain by the prime minister and others. The government issued a statement denying that any of the ministers had resigned. Militiamen continue their siege of the Foreign and Justice Ministries. A Navy officer was assassinated in Benghazi. US military officials say that […]

Al Qaeda

Iraqi clerics: keeping silent on terrorist groups prohibited under sharia


Military authorities said the jihadist group they are tracking in the Mount Chaambi region has ties to the al Qaeda-linked Okba Ibn Nafaa brigade; 16 members of the brigade were arrested in December. The Chaambi jihadists are said to include fighters from “neighboring countries,” including Algeria, and veterans of the Malian conflict. President Marzouki traveled […]


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released a video calling for Muslims to attack “French interests everywhere” to retaliate for the French intervention in Mali. French authorities are concerned about radicalization of Muslim youth in French prisons, where there is a shortage of imams. France reportedly arrested 91 people in 2012 for “religiously-inspired terrorism.”

United States

A Pentagon report blamed the Chinese government and military for cyberattacks on US governmental and defense contracting websites, and suggested cyberwarfare has become part of Chinese military strategy. A US diplomat in Tripoli said special operations assistance during the 2012 attack on the Benghazi consulate was requested but denied. Robel Phillipos, a student linked to […]


Carla del Ponte, a leading member of the UN team investigating possible use of chemical weapons in Syria, said there were “strong concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof” that sarin gas had been used by Syrian rebels. The UN team later issued a statement stressing it had reached no conclusions, and the White House […]


Conspiracy Theories in Kyrgyzstan: Accounts Tie Boston Bombers’ Family to Mafia


Inside Assad’s Near-Perfect Plan to Turn Syria into ‘The Sinkhole’