Monthly Archives: April 2013


The US killed nine insurgents, including “Iranian and Arab” fighters, in an airstrike in Farah. An Afghan teenager stabbed and killed a US soldier in Nangarhar. A policeman gunned down a police chief in in Faryab.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber rammed a truck packed with explosives into a police station in Tikrit, killing nine Iraqis. Two policemen and a civilian were gunned down in Baghdad.


Protesters have gathered outside of the US Embassy in Sana’a to call for the release of more than 90 Yemenis being held at Guantanamo for links to al Qaeda. Switzerland has withdrawn all of its personnel after a Swiss hostage was freed.


A former militant alleged that Ingushetia Prime Minister Musa Chiliyev pays $1 million per month to the Caucasus Emirate terrorist group so it will not to kill him. Ingushetia is currently embroiled in a border dispute with Chechnya as well internal political dissensions.


Imprisoned, Tortured, Killed: Human Trafficking Thrives on Sinai Peninsula


A senior assistant to Prime Minister Zeidan was kidnapped at a checkpoint outside Tripoli. Zeidan condemned an attack on the Justice Ministry, blamed the attack on the Tamarhind military airbase on cross-border smugglers, and dismissed reports of “large convoys” of smugglers. Unknown attackers bombed the courthouse in Derna; the judiciary suspended work there in December […]


Some 30,000 protesters in Rabat on yesterday called for the downfall of the government of Islamist prime minister Abdel Ilah bin Kiran. The protest was organized by two of the largest labor unions and focused on unemployment, the economy, and human rights.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb took credit for the weekend’s suicide attack in Timbuktu, stating on a Mauritanian website that the bomber was an Algerian from the Yusuf bin Tashfin brigade, formerly commanded by Abou Zeid. French and Malian forces, which are going door-to-door to root out remaining Islamist militants, have killed 11 militants […]


Police arrested four suspects for concealing or selling the deadly nerve agent sarin. A man and a woman were arrested outside Maastricht, and two men were arrested in nearby Heerlen. One of the suspects has dual Dutch-Turkish citizenship; the other three are Dutch citizens.

United Kingdom

Lieutenant-General Nick Carter, the UK’s senior commander in Afghanistan, warned against British troops cuts that could endanger the progress made in the last three years. The massive airlift of military equipment back to the UK from Afghanistan has begun.

United States

Top ISAF commander General Dunford said conditions in Afghanistan are not yet such that “al Qaeda and other international extremist groups will not be able to conduct attacks on the West.” Defense Secretary Hagel is expected to announce significant cuts to defense spending. The US deployed F-22 stealth bombers to take part in defensive military […]