Monthly Archives: April 2013


Egypt passes law allowing religious slogans in election campaigns

United States

Defense Secretary Hagel said North Korea’s recent actions constitute a “clear and present danger.” In a formal declaration, North Korea said today it had “ratified” an attack on the US involving possibly a “diversified nuclear strike.” The Pentagon announced its plans to send a ballistic missile defense system to Guam in the next few weeks. […]


The Taliban killed 10 policemen and 34 civilians in an attack on a courthouse in Farah; nin members of the Taliban suicide assault team were also killed. Four Afghan soldiers were killed while defusing an IED in Kunar. An Afghan Local Police commander and three policemen were killed in an IED attack in Paktika.


Insurgents killed an Awakening leader and two family members in Kirkuk. Security forces detained two al Qaeda operatives in Basrah and 10 wanted men in Maysan.


Rebel forces seized a military base near Daraa after days of heavy fighting. The Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s affiliate, claimed nine recent operations in Syria, including four assassinations of military officials and a rocket attack on a state TV station. Jordan and the US are considering the establishment of buffer zones for Syrian rebel […]


According to the Shin Bet’s March report on terrorism, 14 rockets and mortars were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel in March. Secretary of State Kerry will visit Israel in the coming days. Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that if rockets continue to be fired from Gaza then Israel “will respond vigorously.” An Iron Dome […]


The Muslim Brotherhood tweeted a video that alleges that Jews control the media in the US. Egypt reportedly called on Hamas to hand over the perpetrators of the attack last August on a Rafah military outpost. An Egyptian intelligence official denied that Egyptian authorities believe Hamas’ Ayman Nofal is tied to the attack. Salafists plan […]


Lebanese Hezbollah downplayed the likelihood of unrest as the country’s political instability worsens following the resignation of the government last month. Gunmen fired at Syrian trucks in Tripoli. A Syrian helicopter fired two rockets at a town near Arsal, an area largely sympathetic to the Syrian rebels; no casualties were reported.


Salafists torched a new beach development in Hergla. The government is concerned about falling tourism revenues, which have declined significantly due to security concerns since the revolution two years ago.


French trip to Iraq to investigate British deaths ‘too dangerous’


Gunmen from the Supreme Security Committee militia who took over the main prison in Tripoli threatened to release all the prisoners. Staff at the state TV station are on indefinite strike due to harassment by militias. A lawyers’ group called for protection of human rights and prosecution of those responsible for attacks on Sufi shrines.


The Supreme Court ordered the release of Russian nationals nationals Eldar Magomedov and Mohamed Ankari Adamov, along with Cengiz Yalcin, a Turk. The three men were arrested in August 2012 on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack in Gibraltar. The men are still suspected of belonging to a terrorist organization. Police are investigating the suspected […]


A 29-year-old man who was arrested in Aarhus on March 27 has been sentenced in absentia to police custody after being committed to a psychiatric hospital. Prior to his arrest, the man had shouted he was a terrorist, threatened to blow up the bus on which he was riding, and issued threats against Danish cartoonist […]


Search for Palestinian Authority’s missing millions leads to Canada


After Benghazi, Marines approved for crisis response force