Monthly Archives: April 2013


Insurgents killed two soldiers in Ninewa and a policeman in Anbar. Security forces detained nine al Qaeda fighters in Hawijah and five “terrorists” in Anbar.


Turkish police disclosed that a February raid on two terrorist cells in Istanbul and Tekirdag revealed an al Qaeda plot to bomb the US Embassy in Ankara, an Istanbul synagogue, and other targets. The operation resulted in the arrests of two Chechens, two Azeris, and eight Turks. The Free Cause Party called for a ceasefire […]


The Assad regime called on the UN to designate the Al Nusrah Front as a terrorist organization, following the group’s announcement of its affiliation with al Qaeda. At least 57 people were killed in Deraa province after government forces assaulted two towns linked to defections from the Syrian army. Activists say a rebel battalion has […]


President Morsi withdrew a number of complaints against journalists that his office had filed. An Israeli delegation arrived in Cairo for discussions with Egyptian intelligence and military officials on the situation in the Sinai, among other topics. Authorities detained Palestinians with ammunition who had infiltrated Egypt via Gaza’s smuggling tunnels. A Hungarian member of the […]


Israel on guard as Golan goes from bloom to bloodshed


Move to Widen Help for Syrian Rebels Gains Speed in West


Tunisia began a joint security operation with Algeria against “a terrorist group consisting of 11 terrorists based in a mountainous area in El Kef.” Authorities released Salafist imam Imed Ben Saleh, a.k.a. Abou Abdullah Ettounsi, following his deportation from Egypt for forging jihadist documents. In March Ettounsi told Tunisian TV he had fought with the […]

United States

The US assistant secretary of defense for special operations said the current UN-backed ECOWAS force in Mali is “completely incapable” and that the al Qaeda-linked militants would try to regroup in Mali once the French forces left. Much of the al Qaeda leadership that had been based in Mali has escaped, he added. US troops […]


French mother acquitted in son’s ‘Jihad’ T-shirt trial


Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban killed a policeman in an attack on polio vaccination teams in Mardan. Five people, including two policemen, were killed in attacks in Karachi.


Taliban Defend New Perch in Northern Pakistan, Gaining Sway as Election Nears


The Taliban killed four policemen in Nimroz, three civilians in Helmand, and an NDS agent in Kunduz. An Afghan soldier fired an RPG at Lithuanian soldiers in Ghor, wounding two. The governor of Balkh province said the West has failed Afghanistan.


Security forces detained six al Qaeda fighters in Babil and four members of an “armed gang” in Baghdad. The UN said that 229 civilians and 227 security personnel were killed in acts of terrorism in March.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a statement by deputy emir Said al Shihri that indicates he may be alive. A Saudi female convicted of having ties to al Qaeda and then freed to live with her family has escaped to Yemen.


Authorities arrested an Israeli Arab who allegedly fought with members of the “global jihad” in Syria. Secretary of Defense Hagel will visit Turkey and Israel in the coming weeks to try to revive defense ties between the two countries. Defense Minister Ya’alon said Israeli intelligence bodies face “unprecedented challenges, which create both opportunities and dangers.”


Leaked documents revealed that Egypt’s armed forces tortured and killed people during the uprising against Hosni Mubarak. A leading cleric known for his role in the uprising against Hosni Mubarak was suspended due to comments critical of President Morsi. Four suspected jihadists were arrested by authorities in Rafah. Qatar pledged an additional $3 billion in […]

Palestinian Territories

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan pushed back plans to visit the Gaza Strip. Palestinian officials said incentives offered by Secretary of State Kerry to bring the Palestinian leadership back to negotiations with Israel are not enough. Guatemala recognized Palestine as a ‘free, sovereign’ state. A Palestinian youth planning a stabbing attack was apprehended in Hebron.


Shabaab claimed it killed five Ugandan and seven Somali troops in separate attacks in Lower Shabelle. Shabaab also publicly executed a woman in Hiran for “spying.” The government admitted its soldiers are involved in rapes of Somali women.