Monthly Archives: January 2013


A senior counterterrorism judge said the terrorist who masterminded the siege of the In Amenas gas field “tried to recruit many French citizens in the past to make bomb attacks in France.” The government has asked the US to provide refueling tankers as backup to support French warplanes in the Malian intervention. The foreign minister […]


The Taliban killed two soldiers in Mohmand and a Frontier Corps trooper in Khyber, and wounded four soldiers in an IED attack in North Waziristan. Thirty-eight people have been killed in sectarian violence in Karachi in the past week.


A suicide bomber killed seven Iraqis in Taji. Fifteen more were killed in car bombings and shootings in Baghdad, Bayji, and Mahmudiyah. Iraqi soldiers killed nine al Qaeda fighters in the desert west of Samarra.


The US killed four AQAP fighters in a drone strike in Al Jawf in northern Yemen. Said al Shihri, AQAP’s deputy emir, is rumored to have died from wounds suffered in a December 2012 drone strike. AQAP confirmed the deaths of two fighters killed in a strike on Dec. 24, 2012.


Canada will provide additional air transport for the military intervention in Mali. West African nations are also asking Canada and other Western countries to provide logistical support for the African troops going into Mali.

North Korea

The UN Security Council voted unanimously to condemn North Korea for the launch of a ballistic missile last December. The resolution also said the council “expresses its determination to take significant action in the event of a further North Korean launch or nuclear test.”


Egypt opposition leader aims to break Islamist dominance


President Morsi said he was against French intervention in Mali, saying it could create further unrest in the region. He wanted a more “peaceful and developmental” approach to the crisis. As part of a foreign aid agreement, the US began delivering F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.


Rebels in northern Syria pin hopes on airbase’s downfall


Russia evacuated a small number of its citizens from Syria. It was not planning a mass evacuation. Government aircraft and tanks shelled rebel strongholds in Damascus. Rebels fought Kurds in the north.


Germany Abroad: ‘Mealy-Mouthed’ Foreign Policy Angers Allies


“Suspected Islamist gunmen” killed 18 people, including hunters, in Damboa. An Islamist group called Ansura claimed credit for an IED attack that killed two soldiers who were deploying to Mali.


Libyan Islamists are said to have helped the terrorist team that took over the Id Amenas refinery last week. A spokesman for the al Qaeda-linked group that mounted the attack said it was considered “successful by all standards.” The commander of one of the two terrorist assault teams, Abu al-Bara’a al-Jaza’iri, may have survived.


The US began airlifting French troops to Bamako. French airstrikes attacked Islamist command centers in Timbuktu. The Malian Army chief of staff said that with consistent support, the effort to recapture Timbuktu and Gao from Islamist forces should take no more than a month. Chad is sending 2,000 troops to join the effort. The Tuareg […]


How a pile of explosives I found in a Libyan field may have ended up in the hands of Algerian terrorists


‘Pakistan’s nukes face threat from army insiders’