Monthly Archives: January 2013


An al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bomber killed 27 Shia pilgrims in an attack at a bus station in Mussayab. Security forces detained six al Qaeda members during a raid in Karbala.


US drones killed Mukbel Abbad, a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander, and two fighters in a strike in Rada’a in Al Baydah province. Two soldiers were wounded in a grenade attack in Shabwa province.


The National Security and Intelligence Agency claimed it arrested 15 al Qaeda operatives who were trained by Shabaab to carry out attacks in Ethiopia. Security forces also found weapons, jihadist propaganda, and training manuals during the raid.


Algerian security forces killed seven more al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters during a raid in the Oued Bahara area of Boumerdes. The AQIM fighters were members of the El-Feth brigade.


Heavy fighting raged around Taftanaz military airport in northwest Syria. Hundreds of rebels attempted to storm the base but were repelled. Aleppo’s international airport remained under siege. Government forces attacked the rebel stronghold of Daraya in Damascus.

More on Ansar al Sharia in Morocco

Morocco’s interior minister said that an Ansar al Sharia cell in Morocco “was seeking to obtain financial and military support” from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).


Suspected Boko Haram militants killed a soldier, a policeman, an old woman, and her grandchild at the police and municipal headquarters in Song in Adamawa state; they also burned the buildings. Similar attacks took place last week in Maiha, Hong, and Fufore, also in Adamawa state, which borders Cameroon.


Gunmen from a militant Islamist group kidnapped Abdulsalam al Mihdawi, the acting head of criminal investigation in Benghazi. The militants attacked al Mihdawi and two colleagues in his car as it waited at a stoplight in the city. Over a dozen security officials have been assassinated in Benghazi in recent months.

United Kingdom

Abid Naseer, 26, who is wanted by the US on terror charges relating to an al Qaeda plot to bomb New York subways, was extradited to the US. Naseer, a Pakistani, was arrested in 2009 along with 11 other mostly Pakistani members of an al Qaeda cell that also planned attacks in Manchester and Norway. […]


Pakistan – New doctrine: Army identifies ‘homegrown militancy’ as biggest threat


US drones killed five “militants” in South Waziristan. “Gunmen” kidnapped seven soldiers in Jand as they were returning from leave in Rawalpindi. Security forces killed two “terrorists” during an operation in Miramshah in North Waziristan.


Egypt – Shura Council’s new legislative powers are worrying for many


Taliban and al Qaeda ally Gulbuddin Hekmatyar said that Britain’s Prince Harry is in Afghanistan “to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk,” and said he hid when the Taliban assaulted Camp Bastion last summer. ISAF captured several Taliban commanders and fighters.


The Muslim Brotherhood claimed that the recent arrest of some of its members in the United Arab Emirates was unwarranted. Egypt’s opposition liberal and secular groups prepared to create a new political party to contest upcoming parliamentary elections. A senior Muslim Brotherhood official said that Israel would cease to exist within a decade.


The UN reported that 60,000 people have been killed in the 22-month-long conflict, a sharp increase from previous reports; the UN also said more than 500,000 have fled the country including 84,000 in December alone. The Philippine-based operator for the port of Tartus pulled its workers out of Syria.


President Goodluck Jonathan claimed that most of the Boko Haram members involved in major attacks throughout the country in 2011 “have been arrested.” The attacks he mentioned included the suicide attack in the UN building and police headquarters in Abuja.