Monthly Archives: January 2013


The Taliban killed a policeman and two civilians in an IED attack on a police van in Lakki Marwat, and killed two security personnel in another bombing in Mohmand.


Insurgents killed three Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack on a military vehicle in Habbaniyah in Anbar province. The Sunni Endowment is organizing religious courses to fight terrorism and sectarianism.


Iran Targets Dissidents With 30,000-Strong Spy Army


A Kuwaiti court sentenced a man to two years in prison for insulting the country’s ruler on Twitter. Security forces dispersed several hundred demonstrators protesting against parliamentary elections.


A court confirmed life sentences for 13 dissidents for their part in anti-government protests in 2011. The 13 were among 20 opposition leaders and activists convicted by a military court for plotting to overthrow the state.

Palestinian Territories

President Abbas ordered the government in the West Bank to be renamed from the “Palestinian Authority” to “State of Palestine.” Abbas also warned that the government was is in “extreme jeopard”‘ because of an unprecedented financial crisis.


Security forces foiled a car bombing attempt in northern Sinai. It is suspected the militants were from Gaza and had entered Egypt through underground tunnels.


Some 84 fighters from the Tuareg separatist group MNLA fled Mali for Mauritania, turning over vehicles, weapons, and ammuntion to the Mauritanian Army. The men were admitted to the M’berra refugee camp.


One of two assailants died in an assassination attempt on Ahmed Abu Khattala, who is a suspect in the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi and the murder of rebel commander Abdelfattah Younes. The Defense Ministry ordered all military personnel to rejoin their units.


Counterterrorism police killed seven militants in several raids against a new terrorist group that seeks to foment unrest between Muslims and Christians. The group operates out of Poso in Sulawesi province, and conducts terrorist training in the city.

United States

President Obama nominated Chuck Hagel to replace retiring Secretary of Defense Panetta, and John Brennan to head the CIA, in place of David Petraeus, who resigned in November. Suspected al Qaeda plotter Abid Naseer pled not guilty to terror charges in New York. Wanted bank hacker Hamza Bendelladj was arrested in Thailand; he will be […]


Security forces killed three militants in Kabardino-Balkaria suspected of plotting to attack churches on the Russian Orthodox Christmas holiday. Authorities said the suspects were killed after opening fire on security forces; the suspects’ vehicle, which caught fire, was said to contain weapons and explosives.


A pair of Taliban suicide bombers killed five people in an attack on a tribal meeting at the Spin Boldak district center in Kandahar. Security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters.


Al Qaeda killed an Awakening leader and his son in Abu Ghraib. Volunteers for the Awakening are growing. Police arrested eight al Qaeda fighters in Anbar near the Syrian border.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is preparing to retake areas in Abyan and Lahj provinces. The government claimed that AQAP has been driven out of Al Mahfad district in Abyan. A court sentenced five AQAP fighters to up to 10 years in prison.


Bashar al-Assad’s speech echoes Gaddafi’s final, desperate rallies


Morsy backs Syrian calls for al-Assad to face war crimes trial