Monthly Archives: January 2013

United Arab Emirates

Dubai’s police chief said a militant cell detained in the United Arab Emirates had links to al Qaeda in Yemen. The cell had planned bomb attacks in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and other states in the region.


Rebels released 48 Iranian hostages in exchange for the release of 2,130 rebel prisoners held by the Assad regime. The Iranians were captured by the Free Syrian Army in early August and were suspected of belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.


Two Puntland politicians appear to have been interviewed by two radio outlets affiliated with Shabaab. A judge freed the killer of two foreign medical aid workers who were gunned down in December 2011.


Pakistan must arrest Hafiz Saeed to improve ties with India: Editorial


African Union chairman Thomas Boni Yayi called for NATO to intervene in Mali as it has done in Afghanistan, though with an African-led force. Ansar Dine fighters led by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb commanders attacked a Malian army unit in Savare. The Islamist forces are seeking to take over the airport in Mopti, […]

United Kingdom

Whitehall is said to be increasingly concerned that Syrian chemical weapons may fall into the hands of extremists. A British team was sent to observe an exercise by US and Jordanian special forces on contingency plans to secure the weapons, but there are no plans at present to deploy British troops for the purpose.

United States

A Brooklyn court sentenced Agron Hasbajrami, 28, an Albanian resident of the US, to 15 years in prison for seeking to provide support to terrorists. He had sent money to a jihadist group claiming to have murdered US soldiers, and was arrested at JFK airport with a one-way ticket to Pakistan.


National police announced that seven terrorists shot last week during raids that also netted four suspects were planning to bomb tourist locations in Bima on Sumbawa Island and Tana Toraja in south Sulawesi. Five of the dead men were said to have been followers of most-wanted terrorist Santoso. The country aims to adopt legislation next […]


A suspected US drone was found floating in the waters off Mastabe Island and turned over to Philippine naval authorities. The US Embassy, which is investigating the matter, said the vehicle was unarmed and not used for surveillance.


The Obama administration hasn’t ruled out a full withdrawal from Afghanistan. An Afghan soldier killed a British soldier and wounded six more in Helmand. ISAF killed three “militants,” including two “foreigners,” in an airstrike in Kunar.


Iran’s oil minister acknowledged that oil exports have fallen by more than 40 percent due to economic sanctions. Iran’s leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, warned the Iranians not to criticize upcoming presidential elections.


Fighting between pro and anti regime factions within a Palestinian refugee camp flared up. Half of the camp’s 150,000 residents fled during fighting in mid-December. Government forces shelled rebel positions on the outskirts of Damascus.


Ali Hassan al Ahmadi, Yemen’s national security chief, said that “the use of friendly aircraft” to target al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula would continue. Iran’s ambassador to Yemen denied that his country was running spy networks in the country.


The US added two Sudanese jihadists to the list of Specially Designated Global terrorists. Abdelbasit Alhaj Alhasan Haj Hamad and Mohamed Makawi Ibrahim Mohamed assassinated a USAID employee and his driver on Jan. 1, 2008 in Khartoum. Makawi is linked to al Qaeda.


Chemical Weapons Showdown With Syria Led to Rare Accord


A Tunisian court freed Ali Harzi, a key suspect in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The National Forces Alliance, which holds the largest share of seats in the Congress, withdrew from Libya’s first elected assembly, citing its “poor performance” and “unacceptable practices,” including security problems and delays […]

Tunisia frees Benghazi suspect

The Tunisian government has freed Ali Harzi, a key suspect in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. The FBI questioned Harzi in December, and Ansar al Sharia Tunisia released photos of the investigating agents online.


Islamist forces on all-terrain vehicles and stolen armored military carriers reached the village of Bourmei, just 25 miles from territory held by the Malian military. The al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine refused to comment on the reports that Islamist fighters have moved closer to the line of control.


The foreign ministry admitted to “failure” in its attempt to bring two Swedish citizens home from Djibouti after they had left a Shabaab training camp in Somalia. The two men, of Somali origin, were extradited to the US to face terror charges along with a British suspect.