Monthly Archives: January 2013


Insurgents killed two soccer players in an IED attack on the team bus in Kirkuk. Iraq closed all border crossings with Syria until further notice.


French commandos attempted to free Denis Allex, a French intelligence operative captured by Shabaab in 2009. A French soldier was killed and another was captured during the failed raid. Seventeen Shabaab fighters were killed.


Al Qaeda in the Land of the Two Niles has formed a students’ group at the University of Khartoum. The students said that the Sudanese government is not pursuing al Qaeda in Sudan.


The French military has intervened in Mali. French aircraft and attack helicopters beat back a jihadist advance on the town of Mopti, while soldiers are being deployed to Sevare. More than a hundred Islamists are said to have been killed.

United States

After meeting with Afghan president Karzai, President Obama said the pace of the US withdrawal in Afghanistan would accelerate as the US mission shifted to training Afghan forces this the spring. The number of US troops to remain in Afghanistan after 2014 remains undecided. Obama pledged that US troops would leave Afghan villages by spring […]


President Obama said US forces would switch to a support role this spring and that the goals in Afghanistan have largely been met. The Taliban killed four policemen in Badghis and an ISAF soldier in the west.


“Gunmen” killed a member of the Awakening and his seven-year-old son in Mosul. Security forces detained three insurgents with a car bomb in Mosul and three suspected assassins in Diyala.


Syria may hold uranium stash, Western and Israeli experts say


Pentagon weighs how to secure Syria’s chemical weapons


After months of fighting, rebels captured Taftanaz military airport, the largest in northern Syria. The attackers consisted mostly of jihadist fighters from the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar Al-Sham, and Islamic Vanguard groups.


Kuwait’s Prime Minister said more than 60 Islamists held by the UAE for plotting to overthrow the government were financed by Kuwaiti nationals. The plotters belong to the Muslim Brotherhood.


International aid organizations began evacuating the central part of the country as Islamist forces advance south toward the strategic city of Mopti. France vowed to assist the Malian army repel the Islamists, within the framework of the UN resolution. Government forces backed by military assistance from European countries, including aircraft, launched a counterattack.


French forces launched an airstrike in central Mali to assist the Malian army repel the advance of al Qaeda-linked fighters. European soldiers landed by transport airplane in Sevare, near the city of Mopti. French citizens have been advised to leave Mali.