Monthly Archives: January 2013


Cleric leading thousands of protesters promises a Pakistani ‘Tahrir Square’


The Foreign Ministry said Germany would provide cargo planes and medical personnel to assist France in the military intervention in Mali, but ruled out deploying troops. Germany remains involved in European Union planning for a military training mission in Mali.


The defense minister said the military intervention in Mali was “developing favorably.” The foreign minister said the intervention would last a “matter of weeks” and that the French had no intention of staying in Mali. France has deployed about 550 troops to Bamako, the capital, and Mopti. The al Qaeda-linked MUJAO threatened retaliation against French […]


Mohammed Zahinga, a wanted Boko Haram leader behind “most of the suicide attacks and bombings in Abuja, Kaduna, Kano, Jos and Potiskum” was arrested near Maiduguri. Zahinga, a.k.a. Mallam Abdullahi and Alhaji Musa, was plotting attacks against civilians and security personnel in the city,


Rape ‘being used as widespread weapon of war in Syrian conflict’

United States

President Obama notified Congress that US warplanes “briefly” entered Somali airspace on Jan. 11 to assist the botched French rescue mission in Somalia. The fighter jets were based out of Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti.


The Mujahideen Ansar, an Uzbek group, took credit for the IED attack in North Waziristan that killed 14 Pakistani soldiers. The Taliban killed three more soldiers in an IED attack in Charsadda.


Afghan officials claimed ISAF killed seven civilians and four Taliban fighters during airstrikes in Wardak; ISAF denied it launched airstrikes or killed civilians but said it conducted a ground raid with Afghan forces. The Taliban executed a female activist in Wardak.


Insurgents killed three Iraqi soldiers in a hand grenade attack at a checkpoint in Samarra. The finance minister, who has been in a dispute with the prime minister, survived an assassination attempt near Abu Ghraib; two bodyguards were wounded.


The government condemned France’s attempt to free Denis Allex, who is being held by Shabaab. Witnesses in Daaydoog claimed the French troops killed civilians before attempting the rescue, which led Somalis to warn Shabaab of the raid. Shabaab executed two civilians in Jilib.


Success in former Taliban stronghold was hard-won; the next challenge is making it last


Assailants threw Molotov cocktails and fired birdshot at anti-Morsi protesters camped outside the presidential palace, injuring 15. An appeals court ordered the retrial of former President Mubarak. Mubarak had received a life sentence for the deaths of protesters in 2011.


Rebel and government forces fought over the strategically important neighborhood of Dariya in Damascus. Heavy fighting continued across northern Syria. Qatar called for an Arab force to intervene in Syria if UN envoy Brahimi’s mission failed.


Denmark – New controls over PET announced in wake of media Storm


Britain ‘could help train Malian army’, says minister


French military airstrikes against Islamist forces continued for the third straight day. France is finding the Islamists surprisingly “well-trained, well-equipped, and well-armed.” A key Ansar Dine commander was killed in Konna. Troops from Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal, Togo, and Benin are expected to arrive soon in Bamako to assist the Malian military.


Analysis: Mali – one African war France could not avoid


Security was heightened in France after the French military began helping to repel the Islamist advance in Mali. The Islamist militants warned that France would pay a price for its intervention in Mali. President Hollande said France would not give in to “terrorist blackmail.” The Foreign Ministry stepped up security in Mauritania, Niger, and the […]

United Kingdom

Britiain is sending two RAF C-17s to provide logistical support for the Malian Army in its attempt to stem the advance of Islamist fighters. No British soldiers will be deploying in a combat role to Mali. Prime Minister Cameron offered to support the French military effort in Mali after a French pilot was killed there.