Monthly Archives: January 2013


Militants linked to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb attacked a bus carrying workers to the In Amenas refinery, killing a Frenchman and a British national and wounding several other people, then moved on to attack the refinery itself, where they took 41 people hostage. Algerian military forces are attempting to free the hostages; negotiations […]

Shabaab executes French hostage Denis Allex

Denis_Allex.jpg“With the rescue attempt, France has voluntarily signed Allex’s death warrant,” the terror group said in an official statement. Shabaab later announced he was executed. The French intelligence agent has been held by Shabaab since July 2009.


The Taliban killed four members of a family in an IED attack in Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters during raids in Nangarhar, Logar, Wardak, and Kandahar.


A suicide bomber killed Sheikh Aifan Sadoun Aifan al-Issawi, a member of Parliament and prominent Awakening leader in Fallujah. Aifan formed the Awakening in Fallujah in 2006 and battled al Qaeda in Iraq.

Saudi Arabia

The government is prosecuting 17 men for terrorism activities. The men are accused of sheltering al Qaeda operatives, plotting attacks against Aramco and oil tankers, fighting in Iraq, and financing terrorism.


A Yemeni official said that tribesmen sold a Finnish couple and an Austrian man who were kidnapped last month to al Qaeda in Baydah province. Security forces detained two AQAP fighters near Sana’a. Nine AQAP fighters are being tried for last year’s suicide attack in Sana’a that killed 86 troops.


African troops bound for Mali as France battles militants


Iran could reach key point for nuclear bomb by mid-2014: U.S. experts


At least two large explosions hit the campus of Aleppo University, killing at least 80 students. The government said “terrorists” had launched rockets at the campus, but rebels blamed a government aircraft attack. Fighting inside Aleppo reached a stalemate.


Ansar al Sharia in Tunisia released a video showing Ali Ani al Harzi, one of the key suspects in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. The Tunisian government freed al Harzi despite US interest in him. Ansar al Sharia in Libya carried out the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi.


West African troops are expected to arrive in Mali “within days” to repel Islamist forces, which are said to have pulled out of Gao and Timbuktu after several days of French airstrikes. Ansar Dine said it made a “tactical withdrawal.”


President Hollande said France’s goals in Mali were: “stop[ping] the terrorist aggression… making Bamako safe… and enabling Mali to recover its territorial integrity.” The French force in Mali is now about 800 troops and will be built up to 2,500. French troops will be used in the second phase of the operation, expelling Islamists from […]


U.S. envoy says Iran working to destabilize Yemen: report


Tunisia goes on the defensive, two years after overthrowing regime


The government continued to mounted attacks in the Damascus suburb of Daraya, trying to push out rebel forces and increase the buffer zone around the nearby presidential palace. An air and artillery strikes killed 36 people including 14 children.


Counterterrorism forces raided an al Qaeda hideout in Jader, just north of Sanaa, capturing two al Qaeda operatives. Target lists and a quantity of IEDs, suicide vests, and bombmaking materials were seized. The cell, which used motorbikes, may be linked to the assassinations of 40 officers in Yemen in 2012 by attackers on motorbikes.


Gunmen opened fire on the armored car of the Italian consul general in Benghazi, then escaped; no one was injured. Italy condemned the Jan. 12 attack as “a vile act of terrorism.” Libya is considering the establishment of a diplomatic protection force.


In the fourth day of the French military intervention in Mali, Islamists counterattacked, seizing the town of Diabaly, 250 miles north of Bamako. The fighters had come from an area near the Mauritanian border. Abou Dardar, a leader of MUJAO, one of the Islamist groups in Mali, vowed to “strike at the heart of France […]