Monthly Archives: January 2013


Gunmen ambushed the convoy of a Lebanese government minister in Tripoli, wounding three people. The attack occurred during a protest demanding the release of imprisoned Islamists.


Fierce fighting raged across the country. Kurd and radical Islamist groups fought in northern Syria. Two car bombs exploded in southern Syria, and a rocket hit a building in Aleppo. More than 1,000 people have been killed this week.


A member of parliament accused AMISOM forces of massacring civilians in Leego. Gunmen murdered a reporter in Mogadishu. AMISOM said it would train Somali police in Djibouti.


Authorities arrested two men suspected of plotting a double suicide attack against a church at a military base in Kaduna in November 2012 in which 15 people were killed. Other suspects are also being questioned about the attack, which was blamed on Boko Haram.


Islamist rebels are said to have fled Konna, which has been recaptured by Malian forces. Fighting continues for control of Diabaly. Some 100 soldiers from Togo and Nigeria, the first group of troops from an African force to be deployed in Mali, arrived in Bamako last night. Rumored links between Algerian intelligence elements and Ansar […]


Al Qaeda-linked militants holding hostages at a gas field have offered to swap two American captives for two terrorists being held in US jails, including “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel Rahman. Some 60 foreigners among the supposed 132 hostages are unaccounted for and feared dead. The Algerian military raid to free the hostages continued for a […]


A judge of Daghestan’s Supreme Court who worked on cases involving Islamic terrorists and militants was assassinated in Makhachkala on Jan. 15. Last week a militant and a policeman were killed in a raid in Novy Khushet near Makhachkala where two militants were holed up.

United States

The White House said it had cautioned Algerian officials about the hostage situation at the Algerian gas facility but was not given advance warning of the launch of the rescue attempt. US officials think five to seven Americans were among the hostages. The US deployed a Predator drone over the area, but it did not […]


Joint Afghan and Coalition forces killed two insurgents during a clash in the Narang district in Kunar, and detained one insurgent in Logar and two more in Paktika. A local policeman in Kandahar’s Panjwai district poisoned his colleagues and then shot his commander. The US military suspended the transfer of prisoners to Afghan detention facilities […]


The Taliban in South Waziristan distributed pamphlets conveying their determination to control the area and avenge the death of Mullah Nazir, who was killed by a US drone strike two weeks ago. The Taliban also said there was no disunity in their ranks, which are being led by new commander Salahuddin Ayubi.


President Ahmadinejad said Iran needed to reduce its dependence on oil revenue to overcome economic sanctions. Iran’s state prosecutor said the two main opposition leaders were not competent to run for president in the June elections.


Egypt’s Morsi Says Slurs of Jews Were Taken Out of Context


Iran struggles to woo reluctant Egypt


Al Assad is becoming a liability to Iran