Yearly Archives: 2012


The government banned all protests over an anti-Islam film and a French magazine’s publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. The French Muslim Council denounced the film and cartoons as “acts of aggression” but urged Muslims not to engage in protests.

Al Qaeda

Mogadishu, Somalia, leader knows he might not survive being mayor

United States

All of the 33,000 ‘surge’ troops ordered to Afghanistan in 2009 have left the country, leaving US troop levels as they were before the surge. The hacker group “Cyber fighters of Izz ad-din Al qassam” claimed to have mounted cyberattacks against the websites of the Bank of America, the New York Stock Exchange, and Chase […]


Anti-jihad ‘savage’ ads going up in NYC subway – Yahoo! News

Suicide bombers kill 15 in Mogadishu

Fifteen people, including several journalists, are reported to have been killed in an attack at a restaurant across from the national theatre, where a similar attack took place months ago.


The military deployed troops in the diplomatic quarter of Islamabad. The US urged its citizens not to travel to Pakistan. The US State Department bought commercials on Pakistani TV that denounce a video deemed insulting to Islam.


Francois Hollande condemns ‘stupidity’ of Islamic rebels in Mali

Muslim leaders decry French cartoons, but call for calm

Analysis: ‘Manufactured outrage’ behind Middle East protests


A suicide bomber killed a policeman and a child in Kandahar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces captured two Taliban fighters behind the beheadings of two policemen in Baghlan, and killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Khost, and Balkh.


The government denied US claims that it is allowing Iranian weapons and personnel to pass through Iraqi territory to support the Syrian regime. Prime Minister Maliki accused unnamed governments of inciting sectarian strife.


President Assad told Iran’s foreign minister that the rebellion in Syria also targeted Iran and Hezbollah. A government jet bombed a gas station in northern Syria, killing 54 people. Government forces raided a Palestinian refugee camp, arresting hundreds.

An Israeli air strike killed two Hamas security force members. The Palestinian economy entered a financial crisis due to a shortfall in donor funds.


Egyptian political parties condemned a French magazine for printing defamatory cartoons of Muhammad. Egypt’s highest Islamic official said Muslims should endure insults without retaliating.


The government banned any protests against a French magazine that published defamatory cartoons of Prophet Muhammad. An Islamic extremist sought by authorities for instigated violent protests in the country escaped.


The chief of security for Al Mahfad district in Abyan said that more than 400 Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including Saudis and Pakistanis, have regrouped there. AQAP uses their bases in Al Mahfad to launch attacks in Sana’a, Abyan, Hadramout, Shabwah, and Marib.