Yearly Archives: 2012

United States

Hundreds of Muslims and Christians gathered outside the largest mosque in Michigan on Friday to denounce an anti-Islam film and to urge that protests be peaceful rather than violent. In New York today, Secretary of State Clinton called for tolerance and dignity in the Muslim response to the film.


Muslim rage over Prophet film fed by hunt for America’s free speech `red lines’


A crowd of about 1,500 gathered around the US Embassy in Toronto on Saturday to protest against an anti-Islam film. During the protest, which was organized by the Muslim Congress and Canadians Against Blasphemy, many carried Islamic flags and chanted “Shame, shame, shame, USA.”


The Afghan military claimed it killed 49 Taliban fighters in Helmand. Four anti-Taliban militia members and 24 Taliban fighters were killed in clashes in Ghazni. The Taliban released a video detailing some of the planning for the assault on Camp Bastion and kidnapped four tribal leaders in Faryab. The chief of police for Badghis province […]


Iran cut off Internet access to Google search, YouTube, and Gmail. A government news agency said the reason was YouTube’s refusal to take down an inflammatory movie trailer about the Prophet Mohammed. Others cited the use of social media in anti-government demonstrations.


Insurgents killed four children in a car bombing in Hit and shot two policemen dead in Kirkuk. The government is speeding up executions, citing security concerns; 96 people have been executed this year.


“Gunmen” killed a colonel in the Political Security Office in an attack in the capital of Sana’a. Yemeni fighters are said to be among a number of foreign fighters battling the Assad regime in Syria.


A court sentenced 14 Islamic extremists to death for attacks on security forces in the Sinai Peninsula. Six others were sentenced to life in prison.


In the first such demonstration in Greece, about 600 Muslims marched in protest against an anti-Islam film to the US embassy in Athens. Clashes erupted as protesters tried to break through the cordon around the compound and hurled bottles at police, who responded with tear gas. Police arrested 40 people.


Syria: the foreign fighters joining the war against Bashar al-Assad


About 100 ultraconservative Wahabi Muslims gathered in Novi Patar in Sandzak, calling for Muslim unity and the imposition of sharia. Earlier, thousands marched in Novi Patar in protest against the film “Innocence of Muslims.”


The Muslim community elected moderate cleric Hussein Kavazovic as its new spiritual leader. Ultraconservative Wahabi Muslims in Sarajevo called for the imposition of sharia; activist Bilal Bosnic was prevented from traveling to an Islamist protest in Serbia.


Kenyan soldiers reportedly executed nine Somalis in Jana Cabdalla. The Kenyan military spokesman said six Somalis were killed while approaching a checkpoint in the town, and an investigation has begun.


The government agreed to allow ECOWAS to send a 3,000 troops to Bamako to help dislodge the Islamists who seized northern Mali this spring. The deployment hinges upon approval by the UN Security Council, which is concerned about “increasing entrenchment of terrorist elements including al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and affiliated groups” in northern […]


An appeals court acquitted three men of murder charges who were arrested at a Gothenburg art gallery on Sept. 11, 2011 on suspicion of plotting to murder cartoonist Lars Viks, who had planned to be at the gallery that night. The suspects, who were asking for Viks and carrying knives when arrested, were convicted of […]


The Detachment 88 antiterrorism unit arrested 10 Islamist militants in raids in Java and Borneo and seized a dozen bombs that the militants were planning to use in suicide attacks against the parliament and security forces. The militants recruited for terror attacks and ran a jihadist training camp.


Moldova says it detains uranium dealers from rebel region


Pakistan distances itself from anti-Islam film maker bounty minister