Yearly Archives: 2012


At least seven Turkish soldiers died when their armored truck was bombed by an explosives-packed vehicle in Tunceli. Kurdistan Workers’ Party militants are suspected in the attack.


Kenyan strike aircraft hit the airport in Kismayo; a Shabaab weapons depot was reportedly destroyed. The spokesman for Hizbul Islam claimed the group has ended its alliance with Shabaab, and described Shabaab as “weakened.” One person was killed in an IED attack in Beledweyne.


In Tripoli, security guards repelled an attack by militia fighters on a hotel housing members of Libya’s parliament. The attack came after the government decreed that militias are to be disbanded.


In a lawsuit brought by the National Islamic Union, a court in Sao Paolo ordered the removal of an anti-Islam film from YouTube. At the UN, President Rousseff accused Western countries of “Islamophobia.” Hundreds marched in Sao Paolo on Sept. 21 protesting the film and chanting anti-US slogans.


CIA’s exit from Benghazi, Libya, draws criticism from ex-officers

United States

President Obama warned the UN that the US will “do what we must” to prevent Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, but did not indicate the timing or nature of such US action. The US offered Libya help in securing weapons and cracking down on militias. Two Marines will be court-martialed for urinating on the […]

Middle East

Middle East protests: Signs of hope, challenge for fledgling democracies


A Fragile Iraq Faces New Perils From Syria’s War


A senior commander of the Republican Guards said a cyber war was more dangerous to Iran than a physical war. President Ahmadinejad railed against Israel and the US in a speech at the UN.


UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said the situation in Syria was dire and getting worse. Qatar called on world powers to create a safe haven and no-fly zone. Egypt’s President Morsi said foreign intervention would be “a big mistake.”

ISAF data show insurgent attacks down, civilian casualties up

ISAF has released its monthly data trends report for August 2012. ISAF’s data show that the number of attacks by insurgents in Afghanistan has decreased slightly this year, by 5 percent when compared to the first eight months of 2011. However, the overall level of violence remains greater than prior to the surge and the number of civilian casualties has increased in recent months.


Insurgents killed nine Iraqis in bombings and shootings in Baghdad, Fallujah, and Tarmiyah. Among those killed were a brigadier, four policemen, and a soldier.


An anti-al Qaeda militia detained four AQAP fighters in Jaar. A liquefied natural gas pipeline that feeds the Balhaf terminal was bombed.


The Kenyan military arrested one of its soldiers accused of killing nine civilians in Jana Cabdalla. Heavy fighting was reported in Dumay, a town under Shabaab control.


The Joint Task Force killed 35 Boko Haram fighters during clashes in Damaturu on Sunday and Monday. Sixty suspected Boko Haram fighters were also detained during the operation.

United Kingdom

The European Court of Human Rights denied Abu Hamza’s appeal against extradition, so the UK-based radical cleric will face trial in the US for the fatal kidnapping of Westerners in Yemen and attempting to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon. Four other terror suspects held in the UK — Babar Ahmad, Syed Talha […]