Yearly Archives: 2012


EXCLUSIVE: Senior al Qaeda figure ‘living in Libyan capital’


Wives of German Salafists Pursue Road to ‘Paradise’


ISAF killed an al Qaeda facilitator in Kunar and several Haqqani Network fighters in Khost. The Taliban killed five people in an attack on a village in Faryab. Eight Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Baghlan.


Al Qaeda in Iraq launched a suicide assault on the Tasfirat prison in Tikrit; one guard was killed. Security forces detained a senior terrorist in Baghdad. US special operations forces reportedly have deployed to Iraq to advise and train security forces.


The children were killed in an IED attack in Hadramout. Security forces detained two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Sana’a. The military reportedly will receive four unarmed RQ-11 Raven drones.


Denmark – Syrian asylum seekers protest outside Swedish Embassy


Several thousand rebels fighters launched a “decisive attack” for control of the city of Aleppo. The Al Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the double suicide bombing of the Syrian Army headquarters in Damascus on Wednesday. More than 300 people died in Wednesday’s fighting.


Another journalist was gunned down in Mogadishu; five journalists have been killed in the capital this month. Shabaab plans on infiltrating Somali security forces. The government paraded dozens of captured Shabaab fighters.


Algeria said it may agree to the deployment of a West African force to intervene against al Qaeda-linked groups in northern Mali. The European Union is exploring “options to support international efforts to assist Mali.”


Insight: In US soldier’s death, a window into Afghan insider killings


Prime Minister Erdogan said he might be willing to negotiate with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been fighting for a separate Kurdish state since 1984 in a conflict that has killed over 40,000 people so far. The Turkish military claimed it had the capability to launch a sustained operation against PKK militants in […]


UN nuclear inspectors in acute dilemma if Iran faces attack


Chancellor Merkel urged greater tolerance toward the country’s four million Muslims and said, “The Islamists are not the Islam of Germany.” The Chancellery canceled a visit to Tunisia planned for next month, due to tensions and violence over an anti-Islam film.


Muslim world demands int’l action to stop religious insults


The Taliban killed two Pakistani soldiers and wounded 14 more in an IED attack in North Waziristan. The Taliban removed Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour from its “hit list” after he placed a bounty out for a film maker.


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in a suicide attack on a convoy in Logar, and two civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. Sixteen school girls in Kabul were poisoned. The Interior Ministry claimed its forces killed 51 Taliban.

Will Europe outlaw Hezbollah?

Hezbollah’s European enablers have permitted the Lebanese terror group to flourish. Now the US Congress is urging the European Union to outlaw the group, which is responsible for the deaths of US and EU soldiers.


Party appears to be ending for Somali pirates


Two suicide bombs exploded outside Syrian Army headquarters in central Damascus, killing four guards. The rebel Free Syrian Army claimed responsibility. Forty people were massacred outside Damascus. French President Francois Hollande called on the UN to protect liberated zones.


Insurgents killed four policemen, including a senior commander, two soldiers, and a civilian in attacks in Hillah, Iskandiriyah, and Balad. A military court sentenced the commanding general of the 3rd Division to two months in prison for corruption.


President Hadi said the government is willing to negotiate with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula if the terror group disarms. AQAP reportedly has withdrawn the bulk of its forces from Aden and Abyan and is regrouping in Marib, Al Jawf, and Sa’ada.