Yearly Archives: 2012


At least 3,000 Islamist protesters from the Prosperous Justice Party gathered outside the US Embassy in Jakarta, shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “America and Israel are terrorists!” Earlier in September, about 700 Islamists hurled petrol bombs and clashed with police outside the embassy.


Syria rebels practice patience in the fight for Damascus


Seeking to boost alliance, Turkey, Egypt criticize Syrian regime, support Palestinians


In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed US ambassador, officials say

Al Qaeda

Syria despatch: meeting Assad’s snipers as they fight rebels in Homs


Muslims protesting a photo on a Buddhist boy’s Facebook page set fire to at least 15 Buddhist temples and 40 homes near the border with Myanmar. The boy said the photo of a burned copy of the Koran was mistakenly tagged on his online profile. Attacks over the posting of the photo injured 20 people.


Insurgents killed 32 Iraqis in car bombings in Taji, Madaen, and Al Kut. Iraq said it would stop and inspect Iranian flights that are suspected of transporting weapons to Syria.


Masked gunmen assassinated a military intelligence colonel in Aden. The Yemen Socialist Party called for the arrest of Tareq al Fadhali, a jihadist and tribal leader who has been linked to al Qaeda..


Sixteen Somali troops and Shabaab fighters were killed during clashes on the outskirts of Kismayo. Kenyan warships shelled Kismayo; two civilians were killed. “Gunmen” assassinated a tax official in Baidoa.


Two children were killed and two more were wounded during a grenade attack at a Catholic church in Nairobi. Shabaab is suspected of executing the attack.


Security forces disrupted an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb network that was training Algerians to fight with Islamist terror groups in Libya. AQIM was training 27 fighters, who were to be deployed to Benghazi and Bani Walid.

United States

The US Embassy in Cairo warned that it has “credible information suggesting terrorist interest in targeting US female missionaries in Egypt.” The State Department removed the Iranian militant group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) from its terrorist list.


Twenty Taliban fighters and two Afghan policemen were killed during fighting throughout the country. ISAF has resumed joint operations with the Afghan National Security Forces. The Taliban claimed they captured the Wardoj district in Badakhshan.


After several days of fighting, a rebel offensive in the city of Aleppo made little progress against more heavily armed government forces. Government forces attacked rebels outside of Damascus.


A suicide bomber killed one person during an assassination attempt that targeted the leader of an anti-al Qaeda militia in Lawdar. President Hadi endorsed the US drone campaign in Yemen, and said he personally approved each airstrike.


Shabaab fled Kismayo just one day after Kenya launched its offensive on the southern port city. The Kenyan military claimed it killed senior Shabaab commanders Hassan Yakub and Abdikarim Adow. Three civilians were killed in airstrikes in Badhere.


At UN, Muslim world questions Western freedom of speech