Yearly Archives: 2012


Militants launched 60 rockets from Gaza into Israel, hitting several houses and wounding three civilians. Israel responded with airstrikes against the rocket-launching squads, killing four militants, three of whom were members of Hamas. The fighting followed a lull in attacks during the visit to Gaza of the Emir of Qatar earlier in the week.


UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi announced an agreement for a four-day ceasefire during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. The Assad regime has agreed to the ceasefire, while rebels groups said they would cease fire provided the government forces stop shooting first.


Security officials said they uncovered an al Qaeda plot to retake Jaar and other areas of Abyan province. Intelligence officials detained six men who were transferred from Iraqi prosons.


Another Somali journalist was gunned down; 16 Somali reporters have been killed so far this year. Kenyan troops captured a female Shabaab commander and 72 fighters in Kismayo. Police displayed four Shabaab assassins in Mogadishu.


After a week of fighting, government forces took control of the last pro-Qaddafi stronghold of Bani Walid. More than 100 wanted persons, including former members of Khamis Qaddafi’s 32nd brigade, were captured.


The Joint Military Task Force said that Boko Haram is planning to conduct “massive attacks” during the Eid al Kabir holiday. The JTF said Boko Haram has “invited foreign mercenaries to assist them” in attacking military and civilian targets.

Al Qaeda

Timbuktu: Islamist groups “are preparing for an army intervention”


Pakistan Taliban threaten another child activist after Malala shooting


The African Union lifted the suspension imposed on Mali this spring and wants Mali to hold elections by next April. The AU plans for “the early deployment of an African-led international military force” to help Mali recover areas seized by Islamists, but is willing to negotiate with Malian rebel groups.

Al Qaeda

White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails


A police chief, four police officers, five soldiers, and a Taliban district chief and three fighters were killed during a clash in Herat. ISAF said it may have accidentally killed three civilians during a raid in Logar. The Taliban killed a US soldier in the east.


Insurgents killed nine Iraqis in a series of bombings in Baghdad. Security forces detained 28 suspected “terrorists” during raids in Basrah, Babil, Salahadin, and Kirkuk.


Some 1,000 copies of a leaflet asking Chechens to support the “mujaheds” and “remain steadfast” have been circulated in Grozny. It makes no mention of the Caucasus Emirate or its leader, Doku Umarov, but urges the defense of the Islamic faith and freedom for Chechnya from Russia.


Major powers examine long-shot options in Iran talks


Syria rebels pessimistic on mediator’s ceasefire plan