Yearly Archives: 2012


Sudan: a front for Israel’s proxy war on Sinai jihadis?


At least two Islamic militants and a Russian security force member were killed during a raid in the city of Kazan in Tatarstan against the suspected assassins of two moderate Muslim leaders. A Russian general has alleged that “Syrian militants have foreign portable anti-aircraft missile systems, including those made in the USA” and asked who […]


Iran’s Feared Intelligence Ministry Launches Website


60 people were killed and hundreds of homes burned in western Myanmar as sectarian violence raged over five days between Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists. It was the worst unrest since June, when more than 80 people were killed and 75,000 displaced in Rakhine State.


The US killed four “militants” and a civilian in a drone strike in North Waziristan yesterday. The police identified the main suspect in the Taliban’s attempted assassination of a Swat schoolgirl. The Taliban bombed two schools in Mohmand.


An Afghan policeman killed two US soldiers in Uruzgan; two British soldiers killed yesterday in Helmand may also have been killed in an insider attack. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the west. Three policemen were killed during infighting in Baghlan. Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in Wardak.


Iran completed the installation of uranium enrichment centrifuges in its Fordow plant, which is built inside a mountain to resist air attacks. Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei blamed the US and Israel for the civil war in Syria.


US intelligence officials believe that operatives associated with al Qaeda in Iraq may have played a role in the assault on the US consulate in Banghazi, Libya. Prime Minister Maliki is seeking to reinstate Sunni military officers who served during Saddam Hussein’s regime.


A Libyan suspected of involvement in the attack on the US embassy in Libya was killed during a raid by Egyptian security forces in Cairo. Four other Egyptians were detained. The suspects were thought to have links to al Qaeda.


Air and rocket attacks between Israel and Hamas subsided after an Egyptian-mediated truce was reached. Six Palestinians were killed and five Israelis wounded in two days of fighting.


“Gunmen” assassinated a counterintelligence official in Dhamar. The mayor of Sana’a escaped an assassination attempt. Security forces detained two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives.


One Somali soldier was killed during a firefight in Marka. Ugandan and Somali troops raided a Shabaab weapons depot in Albao. A Puntland court sentenced a Yemeni to death for smuggling weapons.


A court in Tizi Ouzou sentenced eight men to death and six others to terms of more than 20 years in prison for kidnapping, ransom, murder, and other crimes; six of those sentenced are linked to al Qaeda. Tizi Ouzou has been a hub of al Qaeda activity.


Abu Hafs al Mauritani, a senior al Qaeda leader who was close to Osama bin Laden, criticized the tactics used by Islamists to take control of northern Mali. Al Mauritani offered to conduct negotiations with Ansar Dine, MUJAO, and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

Insider attacks continue in Uruzgan and Helmand

An Afghan policeman killed two US soldiers at a police headquarters in Uruzgan province, and two UK troops were killed in Helmand in another suspected insider attack. The latest statement by Taliban emir Mullah Omar stresses the strategic importance of such attacks.


Security forces killed a Taliban district governor and 20 fighters in Faryab. The Taliban killed a district governor and a bodyguard in Farah, and two ISAF soldiers in the south.


Insurgents killed 12 Iraqis in a series of bombings and shootings in Kirkuk, Baghdad, Tuz Khormato, and Mishada. A child, three policemen, and two soldiers were among those killed.


Cyberspace the new frontier in Iran’s war with foes


Cyberattack on Saudi Oil Firm Disquiets US