Yearly Archives: 2012

Foreign jihadists continue to pour into Mali

“The arrival of hundreds of young mujahideen from different areas across the Islamic world to support us in our war against the infidels and crusaders is not strange or surprising,” Ansar Dine’s spokesman said.


EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say


The Taliban killed two members of a pro-government peace committee in separate attacks in Swat, and killed a girl in a bombing in Hangu. Security forces killed nine “militants” in Khyber and detained two Taliban members in Karachi.


A suicide bomber killed 40 people, including 19 security and intelligence personnel, in an attack outside a mosque in Faryab. A former Taliban leader who defected to the government along with 11 fighters last year was gunned down in Faryab.


Insurgents killed two policemen in a shooting in Buhriz and two civilians in a bombing outside a mosque in Mahaweel. Security forces detained five terrorists in Wasit.


On the first day of a four-day truce, a powerful car bomb killed five people in Damascus. Forty-seven others were killed in other incidents around the country.


A munitions factory in Khartoum was destroyed by explosions. The Sudanese government accused Israel of destroying the factory with an air attack. Israeli officials refused to comment, but accused Sudan of aiding terrorism and transferring weapons to Hamas in Gaza with the help of Iran.


The Ugandan military confirmed Shabaab’s claim that four of its soldiers were killed in an attack in Baidoa. Eight civilians were killed in a mortar attack in Leego.


AFP: UK man to strike US plea deal in Iran missiles case


After opposing foreign intervention against al Qaeda-linked groups in Mali, Algeria reportedly has approved such an operation. Algeria will back the mission but will not allow foreign troops to use its territory.


“Hundreds of young mujahideen from different areas across the Islamic world” are arriving in Mali in anticipation of a battle with Saharan nations, Ansar Dine’s spokesman said. “The same thing happened in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chechnya, Somalia, and Iraq,” he said.

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaida group urges jihad after Gaza leaders is part of jihad against Jews, threaten large-scale retaliation


Malala Yousafzai: Has Pakistan missed the chance to move on militancy?


Iran Said to Complete Underground Nuclear Enrichment Plant


Malala Yousafzai: Still defiant, girl shot by Taliban is walking, talking – and studying

United Kingdom

The government rejected US requests to use UK bases in the Gulf for a military buildup. The prime minister’s spokesperson said military action against Iran was not “the right course of action at this moment.”