Yearly Archives: 2012


The Taliban killed three US soldiers in an IED attack in Paktia on Nov. 3. Two Afghan and two Pakistani Taliban fighters were reportedly killed during infighting in Ghazni.


Security forces detained a senior al Qaeda leader and two of his aides in Ramadi, and 35 more al Qaeda members in Anbar province. A brigadier in charge of a prison in Tikrit was arrested after al Qaeda staged a jailbreak.


Twenty rebels were killed when government jets bombarded the northern town of Haram. Fighting raged in Damascus and Aleppo. A large car bomb hit a government post in Hama. Rebels claimed 50 regime fighters were killed. Palestinians fought over a border crossing to Turkey. Rebel commanders reorganized their forces into five fronts.


Security forces used tear gas to break up a demonstration against new voting rules for upcoming parliamentary elections. The government had previously banned all demonstrations.


Five bombs explored in two areas of the capital of Manama, killing two foreign workers. The government and activists accused each other of setting off the blasts.

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Ministry said that two border guards were killed in a clash with 11 al Qaeda fighters as they attempted to enter Saudi Arabia from the border with Yemen. Ten of the fighters are Saudis who were previously imprisoned and then released after being ‘rehabilitated.’


Iran denies suspension of high-grade uranium enrichment: lawmaker


Media houses in Peshawar relocate following Taliban threat: Report


Pakistan – Growing unrest: Jirga stands united against school attack


Malala attack: ‘Uninformed’ comments land Lord Ahmed in hot water

Taliban claim over 20 insider attacks in 8 months

A Taliban official responsible for insider, or green-on-blue, attacks in Afghanistan’s southern and western provinces claims that Taliban infiltration is behind the great majority of attacks this year, and details the operations of the committee sponsoring them.


Unidentified gunmen killed 10 Shia Houthis worshippers in two separate attacks in Al Jawf province. A liquid natural gas pipeline to the Balhaf terminal that was bombed last week will take another week to be repaired.


Prime Minister Shirdon has appointed the country’s first female foreign minister. The European Union has pledged to donate more than $200 million in security and education aid.


Italian Premier Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan

Gulf squeeze on opposition brings unusual alarm from Western allies


Inside Israel’s nuclear wargames


A bomb or grenade thrown onto the roof of a church in Garissa near the Somali border killed the pastor and wounded at least 11 other people, most of whom were policemen. Authorities blamed the attack on Shabaab.


A bomb attached to a police car exploded in front of a police station in Benghazi, injuring three policemen and damaging the building; police arrested several suspects. Rival armed militias battled in Tripoli, destroying the headquarters of the SSC, an umbrella group. At least 11 people were killed in the clash, and 12 suspects have […]


A car bomb detonated near a police vehicle in Semdinli, killing a child and injuring 18 other people; Prime Minister Erdogan blamed PKK rebels for the blast. The military has taken over rebel hideouts in the Altin mountains.


Pakistani rights activist Marvi Sirmed attacked by gunmen in Lahore


The Taliban killed the chief of police for the Dand district in Kandahar province. A Taliban commander and 12 fighters reconciled with the government in Herat. President Obama said the Afghan war is ending.