Yearly Archives: 2012


Britain’s prime minister offered Syrian President Assad “safe passage” out of Syria. The Syrian air force has grounded 70 percent of its pilots due to their questionable loyalty.


Security forces detained dozens of suspected Shabaab fighters during an operation in Mogadishu. US officials believe that Uganda will not withdraw its forces from Somalia.


The Joint Task Force killed four suspected Boko Haram fighters during a raid in Gashua. The Chief of Army Staff claimed that Boko Haram has killed more than 3,000 people in Nigeria.


Egypt: Bishop says police failed to protect church land from Salafi attack


Moderation not necessarily the recipe for Tunisia’s ruling Ennahda


David Cameron: let Syrian president escape to stop slaughter


Military advisers from Africa, Europe, and the UN have submitted a plan to ECOWAS for a military intervention to wrest northern Mali from radical Islamists; once approved, the plan will go to the UN later this month. It calls for a force of over 4,000 mainly West African troops, to be based in Koulikoro.


A Turkish court is trying four former Israeli military officers in absentia for the deaths of nine Turks on a Gaza-bound ship in 2010. Israel dismissed the trial as propaganda. The Turkish Justice Ministry denied allegations that some 76 journalists have been jailed this year as part of a governmental effort “to silence critical journalists […]


NATO members need to step up, says UK defense minister


Missing clip of 60 Minutes shows Obama did NOT call attack on embassy in Libya terrorism


An anti-Taliban commander was killed in Buner and an ANP leader was gunned down in Charsadda. Security forces killed five “terrorists” in Khyber. A suicide bomber killed only himself in Mohmand.


Israel announces plans to boost Iron Dome missile interceptor

The Haqqani Network

The US added Qari Zakir to the list of global terrorists. He serves as head of the Haqqani Network’s suicide operations in Afghanistan and the operational commander in Kabul, Takhar, Kunduz, and Baghlan provinces, and runs the network’s training program. The United Nations added the Haqqani Network to its sanctions list and added Qari Zakir […]


More People Displaced By Turmoil in Mali Than Previously Estimated – UN Refugee Agency

Al Qaeda

Storm: I wasn’t alone: Former PET double agent says that two other Danes joined him at al-Qaeda linked university in Yemen