Yearly Archives: 2012


Thirty-six Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during fighting throughout the country. Twelve missiles fired from Iran have landed in Nimroz. Energy and Water Minister Ismail Khan is distributing weapons to militias.

United States

Muhammad Salah, of Bridgeview, Ill., designated as a terrorist in 1995, was delisted as the deadline loomed for a response to his challenge to the listing. He was jailed for five years in Israel for supporting Hamas, was tried in the US on similar charges, and spent time in prison for lying in a civil […]


Egypt – Constitution authors lean toward restricting gender equality, religious freedom


One al Qaeda fighter was killed and two more were wounded in a premature detonation in Ninewa. Security forces detained four gunmen near a school in Anbar and four al Qaeda fighters in Diyala.


An intelligence official was assassinated in Sana’a; at least 55 intelligence operatives have been killed in Yemen so far this year. Tarek al Fadli, an al Qaeda-linked tribal leader in Abyan province, has been ordered to surrender to the government.


A car bomb was detonated near the parliament building in Mogadishu; one soldier was killed in the blast. Puntland security forces killed a Shabaab commander in Dhahar.


Ansar Dine, one of the Islamist groups that has seized northern Mali, reached an agreement with ECOWAS to allow humanitarian aid into the area. The agreement calls for the return of refugees and the creation of an environment conducive to a peace deal, and promises that Ansar Dine “rejects all forms of extremism and terrorism.”


Turkish commandos conducted raids on Kurdistan Workers’ Party bases located inside Iraq near the Turkish border. It remains unclear whether Turkey plans to ask NATO for Patriot missiles to protect the NATO radar system in Kürecik in eastern Turkey.


Canada – BC transit police adopting New York City tactics after bomb scare

Al Qaeda

Yemen chief suspected of links to al Qaeda ordered to surrender


From Sudan to cyber, secret war with Iran heats up


In Syria’s Biggest City, A Deadly Stalemate


The banned German Salafist group Millatu Ibrahim issued a statement on jihadist forums announcing its shift from preaching to jihad, and praising two women as its “first martyrs.” The women died in a car accident on Eid al-Adha after emigrating from Germany with their husbands and “many brothers and sisters” to “the land of jihad […]


Nine Taliban fighters and three Afghan soldiers have been killed during fighting throughout the country. Provincial officials in Herat said five districts are on the verge of falling to the Taliban. ISAF captured an IMU weapons trafficker in Kunduz. The government said it would not negotiate with the Haqqani Network.


The United Nations added the Haqqani Network to its list of designated terrorist groups. The UN said the Haqqani Network works with the Taliban to destabilize Afghanistan and has links to al Qaeda.


A suicide bomber killed 31 Iraqis in an attack outside a military training center in Taji. Security forces detained 11 al Qaeda members during a raid in Taji.