Yearly Archives: 2012


President Bashir threatened retaliation against Israel for an Oct. 24 airstrike on a Sudanese arms warehouse, and said Israel remains “the number one enemy.” Israel accuses Sudan of serving as a conduit for Iranian arms flowing into Gaza. Two Iranian warships recently arrived in Sudan.


An Oslo court extended remand custody for Arslan Ubaydullah Maroof Hussein, a radical Islamist, for an additional two weeks. Hussein was arrested on Oct. 26 for threatening two journalists as well as the Jewish community in Norway.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three people in an attack on the Rangers headquarters in Karachi. Nine more people were killed in violence in Karachi.


The Taliban killed 12 civilians and eight security personnel in four bombings; three policemen were killed in a suicide attack in Kandahar; five soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Laghman; and 12 civilians were killed in IED attacks in Helmand and Zabul.


Iranian air force jets fired at an unarmed US drone. The drone was flying off the coast of Kuwait in international waters. Iran’s news agency said the military would hold a “massive” air defense exercise, starting this weekend. Iran banned the importation of luxury goods.


Insurgents killed two people, including a female journalist, in bombings in Mosul. A court sentenced al Qaeda’s former shadow governor of Anbar to death. Security forces detained two insurgents in Kirkuk.


US drones killed a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and two fighters in an airstrike near the capital of Sana’a. Adnan al Qadhi, the al Qaeda commander who was killed, was involved in the attack on the US Embassy in Sana’a in 2008.


Call to lift Syria arms embargo to aid rebels


Syria rebels appear to be shifting strategy in Damascus


Rebels attacked government roadblocks in central Damascus. President Assad said he would never leave Syria and warned against Western intervention. Rebel leaders met in Qatar to negotiate a government-in-exile agreement.


UK – Five Marines charged with murdering Taliban prisoner will not be named during their trial


Egypt – Salafi Front to join Friday’s pro-Sharia protest


Egypt closed its consulate in Benghazi due to security concerns; embassies in Tripoli are also worried about rising instability. In Benghazi, two security officials’ cars were bombed, and a retired colonel was murdered. Former political leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil is being questioned about the death of Libyan insurgent commander General Abdel Fattah Younes.

Al Qaeda

Canadian forces brass investigates after ‘culturally insensitive’ video, CBC report says


Obama must concentrate on militants sanctuaries in Pakistan: Karzai spokesman


Special forces killed three PKK militants and destroyed PKK bases in Beytüşşbep in Hakkari province. Authorities searched an Armenian plane carrying humanitarian aid to Aleppo before allowing it to continue on to Syria.


Roki Aprisdianto, who was serving a six-year sentence for recruiting Islamic militants to attack churches and police stations in Java, escaped from prison in a burka. A female visitor wearing two burkas passed one to him.


Red Cross says it cannot cope with Syria emergency