Yearly Archives: 2012


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed the head of the Awakening forces in Abu Ghraib, as well as his wife and son. Security forces recaptured nine al Qaeda fighters who had escaped from prison and captured two fighters near a weapons depot in Abu Ghraib.


Two aides to Tareq al Fadhli, a tribal leader in Abyan, were killed after pro-government militiamen attacked his home. Al Fadhli has been linked to al Qaeda and fought in Afghanistan.


US-backed force in Libya faces challenges


Paramilitary National Guard units deployed into new areas around the country, stepping up efforts to suppress political unrest. The guards would be patrolling in “strategic locations” where arson attacks and clashes with opposition demonstrators had occurred.

Palestinian Territories

Palestinians and Israeli army units traded fire in Gaza. Four Palestinians were killed and 25 wounded; four Israeli soldiers were also wounded.


Two car bombs exploded in the southern city of Daraa, killing at last least 20 government soldiers. British Prime Minister Cameron proposed arming the Syrian rebels. Jordan has stepped up its support of the rebels.


Two people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed in Garbaharey. Uganda again threatened to withdraw from AMISOM and pull out its forces from Somalia.


A Turkish military helicopter crashed in Siirt province, killing all 17 special forces soldiers on board. PKK militants kidnapped three teachers in Mardin province. Six politicians joined some 700 Kurdish inmates in a hunger strike calling for PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan to be allowed to see his lawyers.

United States

CIA chief and retired four-star general David Petraeus resigned as head of the intelligence agency after the FBI discovered he was having an extramarital affair with an officer in the military reserve who was also his biographer. The current deputy director, Michael Morell, will serve as acting director of the CIA.


The Taliban killed a soldier and wounded another during an attack on an outpost in South Waziristan. The “Mujahideen-e-Waziristan” warned tribals in Wana not to join the Levies. Five people were killed in violence in Karachi.


The Taliban killed an ISAF solider in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters and commanders. Sweden will reduce the number of troops in country from 500 to 200 by the end of 2013.


Iran confirmed that its jets shot at a US reconnaissance drone. Iranian and UN officials plan to meet in Tehran next month to restart talks over Iran’s nuclear program.


Rebel forces captured a town on the Turkish border. The number of Syrian refugees escalated as 11,000 fled in single day.


More than 10,000 radical Islamists demonstrated in Cairo demanding that Egypt’s new constitution be based on sharia law. Egypt’s main Salafist party and the Muslim Brotherhood party said they were not taking part in the protest. Many of the protesters were members of Gamaa Islamiya.


“Gunmen” killed two people in Mogadishu. The United Nations Security Council rejected the African Union’s request to fund Kenyan naval operations off the coast of Somalia.


Security forces arrested Bilel Chaouachi, a Salafist imam for Ansar al Sharia who has openly praised Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri. Chaouachi is suspected of being involved in the Sept. 14 assault on the US Embassy in Tunisia.