Yearly Archives: 2012


‘Destroy the idols,’ Egyptian jihadist calls for removal of Sphinx, Pyramids


Pakistan details how Lashkar-e-Taiba 2008 Mumbai attack gunmen were trained

Insurgency encroaching on central Afghanistan

New Zealand’s 145-man unit tasked with stabilizing one of Afghanistan’s most vulnerable, yet once secure, regions has dismantled crucial forward operating bases in preparation for an early withdrawal in 2013.


Heavy fighting between Ethiopian forces and Shabaab fighters erupted in the Bay region of southern Somalia. Shabaab fighters ambushed Somali National Army soldiers at a checkpoint near Garbaharey in Gedo province, and additional clashes were reported at the KM4 junction in Mogadishu.


Souad Merah, the sister of Toulouse shooter Mohamed Merah, is being investigated for “glorifying terrorism.” Her brother Abdelghani Merah, who wrote a book castigating the family’s culture of anti-Semitism and racial hatred, taped his sister saying she was proud of Mohamed’s actions and that she and another brother, Abdelkader, “support[ed] the Salafists, who are the […]

United Kingdom

Radical Islamic cleric Abu Qatada won an appeal against his deportation to Jordan; the UK’s Special Immigration Appeals Commission said deportation carried a risk that Jordan would use information obtained through torture of other persons against Abu Qatada. He will be released from prison tomorrow; the government plans to appeal.


Afghan reconciliation: Kabul’s top negotiator seeks release of Taliban prisoners


The Taliban killed six civilians, including a baby, in an IED attack in Khost, and killed two more in an IED attack in Helmand. Afghan soldiers killed a British soldier and wounded another in Helmand, and wounded a Spanish soldier in Badghis. ISAF captured an IMU weapons facilitator in Kunduz.


Britain could intervene militarily in Syria in months, UK’s top general suggests


The military transferred Tareq al Fadhli, the al Qaeda-linked tribal leader in Abyan, to Aden and placed him under house arrest. The Houthis reportedly are attempting to take control of the port city of Midi.


Shadow of the Taliban still haunts Swat Valley

Saudi Arabia

Talking to foreign media is ‘haram:’ Saudi Grand Mufti


Bahrain opposition leader: Hopes fading for talks as violence mounts


Three people were killed in the city of Sidon during a battle between supporters of Hezbollah and hardline Sunni cleric Ahmed al Assir. The fighting was the latest clash caused by the sectarian tension spilling over from Syria.


Syrian rebel groups meeting in Qatar formed a national coalition to fight against the Assad regime. Government forces bombarded a town near the Turkish border recently captured by rebels.


Israel fired “warning shots” into Syria after a mortar shell struck an Israeli post in the Golan Heights. It was the first time Israel fired into Syria during its 19-month civil war. Israel said it may launch an incursion into Gaza after a recent escalation of cross-border attacks.

Egypt arrests a number of wanted jihadists in Sinai

Since Wednesday, Egyptian authorities have reportedly arrested a number of wanted jihadists operating in the Sinai Peninsula. The brother of one of the arrested has threatened to carry out attacks if his brother, Ahmed Allam el Hefny, is not released.

United States

The US Air Force stationed a detachment of 10 troops at a base in central Poland to support US fighter plane squadrons that come to Poland to train Polish pilots on F-16s. Poland has long requested a US military presence, and this is the first permanent posting of US soldiers on Polish soil.


Egypt’s Hard-Line Islamists Seek to Sway Constitution


Algeria warns military intervention would worsen situation in Mali