Yearly Archives: 2012


The foreign ministry “harshly condemn[ed]” Israel’s recent operations against militants in Gaza and called on the UN and the international community for redress. Turkey recognized the Syrian National Coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. Villages near the border town of Ceylanpinar were evacuated.


David Petraeus: gleeful Taliban ponder correct way to execute adulterer


Security force killed five Taliban fighters near Wana in South Waziristan. Police arrested five Taliban fighters in Punjab province. Teh government is considering the release of Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Baradar.


Pakistan – Crossing the border: NATO oil supply expected to resume by month’s end


The Taliban killed two ISAF interpreters in Logar. Security forces captured several Taliban weapons facilitators. Pakistan is handing over several mid and low-level Taliban operatives to the Afghan peace council.


Insurgents killed at least 20 people in a series of bombings in Kirkuk, Mosul, Bayji, Baghdad, Hillah, and Al Kut. Security forces arrested five al Qaeda fighters in Hawijah.


Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza strip killed Ahmed Jabari, the leader of Hamas’s military wing. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is prepared to widen its offensive against Hamas and other terrorist organizations in response to recent attacks launched on Israel from Gaza. The “Iron Dome” defense system intercepted 17 of 18 rockets launched into Israeli […]


About 200 fighters from the “Eagles of the Golan,” an al Qaeda-linked Salafist group, took over territory in the demilitarized area of the Golan Heights. France and the Gulf Cooperation Council recognized the Syrian National Coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.


The parliament approved the prime minister’s cabinet. Iran said it would open an embassy in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed to have killed dozens of Ugandan and Kenyan troops.


Denmark – Foreign minister pledges support to Syrian opposition


AFRICOM commander General Carter Ham said that al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is thought to have been linked to the Sept. 11 assault on the US consulate in Benghazi. “Extremists” have attempted to kill the head of a Sufi center and his sons for opposing Salafists and speaking out against the destruction of shrines.


Clashes broke out between Salafists and other students at Monastir University as the Salafists demanded male and female students dine in separate rooms. Security forces had to break up the fighting.


France became the first Western nation to recognize the Syrian National Coalition as the sole representative of the Syrian people. The French defense minister said France and Europe would not intervene militarily in Mali with either ground or air forces. France is moving two of its unarmed surveillance drones from Afghanistan to Africa.


Police arrested six members of the banned Islamic Revival Party, accusing them of recruiting at mosques in Moscow, distributing extremist literature, and encouraging illegal activity. Nine hand grenades, weapons, and extremist literature were seized in raids on the militants’ lodgings.

Zawahiri calls on Muslims to implement sharia

Zawahiri-OBL-eulogy.jpgIn a statement released online, al Qaeda’s emir provides several goals for Muslims to strive toward. While ignoring the toll that al Qaeda’s violence has taken inside the Muslim world, Zawahiri says that Muslims must resist the “Crusader” alliance and implement sharia law.