Yearly Archives: 2012


The Taliban killed 17 civilians in an IED attack in Farah, four policemen in an ambush in Badakhshan, and two ISAF soldiers in the east. The US added the Taliban shadow governor of Helmand to its narcotics kingpin list.


The government freed Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq. Insurgents killed three Iraqi policemen in Mosul. Security forces arrested al Qaeda’s commander for Karma.


The US, China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany planned to meet to discuss negotiation strategy over Iran’s nuclear program; it is unclear if Iran is ready to participate in negotiations. Iran state TV reported the arrest of people plotting bomb attacks with the support of Western and Israeli spy agencies.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed three pro-government tribesmen in Zinjibar. A spokesman for the Houthis accused the US of killing hundreds of Yemenis in drone strikes.


Israel moves on reservists after rockets target cities

United States

Former CIA Director David Petraeus told Congress that he knew shortly after the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi that Ansar al Shariah and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb were involved; their names were later deleted from the CIA’s report, however. The Treasury Department designated Mullah Naim Barich, the Taliban’s shadow governor for […]


US-Egypt relations challenged by escalating Middle East violence


Israel and Hamas wage social media fight via social media platforms


Hamas rocket attacks in southern Israel killed three people. Hamas also launched rockets targeting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Israel responded with air, tank, and gunboat attacks on Gaza. Further air attacks continued on Friday. Israel mobilized 16,000 army reservists for a possible ground attack on Gaza.


President Morsi expressed support for Hamas, saying Egypt “will not leave Gaza on its own.” Prime Minister Qandil visited Gaza and denounced Israeli attacks.


The UK and US held off recognition of the new Syrian opposition coalition. European nations debated whether to overturn an arms embargo on Syria.


Where Syria’s opposition groups get their rockets


Extremists issued death threats against the head of a Sufi center in Tripoli, threw a bomb at three of his sons, and attacked another son, continuing a campaign of violence against Sufis that began in August. A Sufi mosque and a madrassa have been attacked, as well as Sufi shrines and graves, and citizens near […]


The Tuareg MNLA launched an offensive against the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) to retake Gao. MNLA announced jointly with Ansar Dine that it was ready for peace talks with the Malian government. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is arresting unveiled women in their homes in Timbuktu.


Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Uruzgan and a Taliban commander in Ghazni. The Taliban is thought to have assassinated the former Hajj and Islamic Affairs director for Nimroz. Germany will withdraw more than 1,000 of its 4,800 soldiers out of the country in 2013.


Security forces killed three al Qaeda in Iraq fighters and found four IEDs during a raid on a safehouse in Taji. Insurgents killed a reporter in a bombing in Baqubah.


Shabaab called on Muslims to support the Palestinians against Israel after airstrikes killed Hamas’s military commander. The FBI added American citizen Omar Hammami to its list of most wanted.


Tanzanian Muslim cleric pleads not guilty to incitement


Sudan’s Islamists need new blood: vice-president


The Joint Task Force claimed it killed Ibn Saleh Ibrahim and several of his lieutenants during a series of raids in Maiduguri. Ibrahim commanded Boko Haram forces in the city and is said to be responsible for killing a general.