Yearly Archives: 2012


Security forces arrested two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters at a hotel in Aden. The son of a senior military commander loyal to former President Salih was arrested in Hodeida for killing several policemen.


Shabaab claimed it killed nine Ethiopian soldiers in Ghaneema in and six Ugandan troops near K50. Djiboutian soldiers arrested a government official in Beledweyne.


The Army claimed that it killed senior al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader Rabah Makhfi, who is also known as Sheikh Nacer, and two others in Bejaia. Makhfi is thought to be AQIM’s top military commander.


The Movement for Tawhid and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) claimed it defeated a Tuareg rebel assault near Gao. The Tuaregs from the Movement for the Liberation of Azawad were beaten by MUJAO Osama bin Laden Battalion and more than 300 fighters from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s El Moulethemine Battalion.


In Egypt, rage against Israel but little appetite for war


NATO Would Urgently Consider Turkey Missile Request


Brigades That Fire on Israel Show a Deadly New Discipline


The Justice Minister said Turkey is open to negotiations with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been fighting for Kurdish autonomy in a 28-year conflict that has killed over 40,000 people. Five Turkish soldiers were killed by PKK militants in Hakkari province yesterday.


The Taliban killed eight Afghan soldiers and an ISAF soldier, and a civilian accused of spying. Security forces killed 20 Taliban fighters in Faryab. Security guards robbed the Central Bank branch in Nuristan.


Security forces killed al Qaeda’s emir for Baqubah and detained four Ansar al Islam fighters near Kirkuk. Insurgents killed a senior Awakening leader and three aides near Mosul.


A Political Security Organization officer was gunned down in Sana’a. Iraq released seven Yemeni prisoners; Yemen hopes others will be transferred home to serve their prison sentences.


Hamas pragmatists lose out in leadership struggle


Violence accelerated in Gaza as Israel and Hamas exchanged air and artillery attacks. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is prepared to widen its Gaza offensive. Israel continued to mass troops along the Gaza border. Egyptian and Israeli officials met in Cairo to attempt to mediate a ceasefire. Israeli government websites were hit with 44 million […]


Border guards allowed 400 political activists to cross into Gaza. Liberal secular representatives announced their withdrawal from the committee charged with writing Egypt’s new constitution.


Norway Socialist Left with six-point anti-extremism plan


Syrian Crisis Drives Kurdish Push For Independence