Yearly Archives: 2012


Analysis: With Mideast cease-fire, US pins hopes on Egypt’s new Islamist government


Police broke up an al Qaeda cell that was recruiting fighters and smuggling them across the Algerian border into Mali, where they would join either Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb or the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO). One of the arrested men was a Moroccan sent back from Mali to […]


Afghanistan – Lawmakers, Scholars React to Taliban Call for End to Executions


The deputy prime minister revealed that Turkey is paying for Iranian natural gas with gold bullion, circumventing restrictions on using US dollars for payments to Iran. Russia, Syria, and Iran have condemned Turkey’s request for Patriot missiles from NATO.


Mahmoud Abbas pursues Palestinian UN bid after Gaza conflict


Crisis over president’s powers exposes Egypt divisions


Three men arrested in April on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack were sentenced to 18 months in prison on weapons charges. One defendant said the weapons were intended for Syrian rebel fighters; another, a Jordanian, was an al Qaeda sympathizer.


As cyberwarfare heats up, allies turn to US companies for expertise


Rebels captured a key military base along the northern Syria-Iraq border, bringing the region under their control. Rebels south of Damascus fought to unite fragmented areas into a single liberated zone. Fighting raged within Damascus.


President Morsi issued a decree granting himself broad new powers over the judiciary. The action sparked mass demonstrations across the country by both protesters and supporters. Protesters attacked the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Alexandria. Morsi defended his new powers.


The Nigerian military offered rewards for information leading to the arrest of Boko Haram’s top leaders. The military offered $312,500 for the group’s emir, Abubakar Shekau; $156,000 each for four senior leaders; and $62,500 for 14 commanders.


Israel Hamas conflict: ceasefire a sign of Middle East’s new political reality


Two Somali troops were killed as the soldiers clashed amongst themselves in Mogadishu. “Gunmen” killed a local businessman in Beledweyne; Shabaab is suspected of carrying out the attack.


Middle East shifts may weaken Iran’s influence with Palestinians


Qatar’s aid and Iran’s arms compete in battered Gaza


For Israel, Gaza Conflict Is Test for an Iran Confrontation


Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine jailed since 1984 for the murders of a US military attache and an Israeli diplomat, was paroled. The US ambassador criticized the decision, and the French government has filed an appeal.


Mock military operation in Ethiopia simulates all too real African conflict