Yearly Archives: 2012


Suspected Boko Haram fighters killed 20 Christians at a town hall in Mubi, and “gunmen” opened fire in a church in Gombe, killing six Christian worshippers. Thousands of people attacked and wounded more than 50 Muslims in Sapale in protest of Boko Haram attacks in the north.


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in an IED attack in the south. President Karzai said that the US must transfer the Parwan detention facility to Afghan control as soon as possible.


Iraqi Moves to Embrace Militia Open New Fault Lines


The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan executed 15 Frontier Corps soldiers who were captured late last month in Tank, and freed 17 hostages who crossed the border from Afghanistan. Security forces arrested a Taliban commander and three fighters who are accused of conducting attacks in Karachi.


Attacks against Shia pilgrims before the Arbaeen holiday have killed over 60 civilians, the deadliest being a suicide attack against a security checkpoint that killed 44 and wounded dozens more in Nasiriya. Qais Qazali, the notorious leader of the Shia death squad Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, is prepared to disarm and join the political process.


Turkey’s prime minister vowed to continue the fight against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party but acknowledged the need to “learn lessons” from the airstrike in northern Iraq that killed 35 villagers. The National Intelligence Organization denied it shared intelligence with the Turkish General Staff that led to the errant airstrike.


Yemeni forces attacked the northeastern outskirts of Zinjibar with ground troops and warplanes, killing six al Qaeda-linked Partisans of Sharia fighters. Four Yemeni soldiers were killed and 10 others were wounded in the battle. Mohammed Miftah has formed a political party to represent Yemen’s Shia rebels.


Turkey’s Glow Dims as Government Limits Free Speech


China’s vice president orders more thought control over students


Analysis: Doubts over Syria rebel army after escalation threat


Boko Haram claimed responsibility for two bombings in Maiduguri and Damaturu; no casualties were reported. Archbishop John Olurunfemi Onaiyekan denounced Boko Haram as “terrorists who cause problems for anyone in Nigeria who stands in their way,” and criticized media reports that depict the ongoing violence as a civil war between Muslims and Christians.

Al Qaeda

Suicide Attacks in Nigeria: Islamist Terror Network Gains Strength in Africa


Pakistan – Army’s militant rehabilitation programme hits snags: PIPS report