Yearly Archives: 2012


The UK threatened military action if Iran attempted to close the Gulf of Hormuz. Western nations prepared contingency plans in case Iranian oil supplies are cut off. Iran prepared to move uranium enrichment into underground bunkers. Iran mounted a crackdown on internet cafes.


The Kenyan military claimed it killed 60 Shabaab fighters and destroyed nine technicals during airstrikes in Garbahare. Ethiopia said its forces in central Somalia will be replaced by African Union peacekeepers.


Boko Haram spokesman Abdul Qaqa claimed credit for the recent attacks and bombings in Gombe, Damaturu, Maiduguri, and Adamawa over the past two days. The government imposed a curfew in Adamawa after Boko Haram killed 12 Christians in a church.


Royal Navy sends its mightiest ship to take on the Iranian show of force in the Gulf


Sudan will soon see revolution: Islamist leader Turabi

United States

Irfan Ul Haq, a Pakistani arrested in Miami with two others in March 2011, was sentenced to 50 months in prison for conspiring to support a terror organization. The three men were residing in Ecuador when they engaged in a plot to smuggle a Pakistani Taliban member into the US. Haq and his co-conspirators have […]


The Taliban killed six children and an adult in an IED attack in Uruzgan, and killed five ISAF soldiers in two bombings in the south. The Taliban demanded that their prisoners who are held at Guantanamo Bay be freed in Qatar.

Iran’s warnings in Gulf reflect hardening military doctrine


Security forces captured al Qaeda in Iraq’s “financial officer” and several aides during a raid in the Hamrin Mountains near Kirkuk. Vice President Hashemi, who is wanted by the government, set up an office in Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish areas.


President Saleh has decided to stay in Yemen, sparking fears he does not plan on transitioning power. The state-run Yemen News Agency claimed that “the GPC and the Yemeni people want the President to remain in the country to participate fully in ending the crisis.”


In the wake of international tensions over Iran, Israel said it would conduct joint military exercises with the US. The exercises would test missile and air defense systems and coordination between US and Israeli forces.


The government said a “suicide terrorist” detonated a bomb in Damascus, killing 25 people and wounding scores more. Members of the Free Syrian Army reportedly met with representatives of the Arab League.


A Jordanian court upheld the five-year-long prison sentence for Isam Mohammed Taher al Barqawi, a radical Islamist cleric, for plotting terror attacks and recruiting jihadists. Barqawi, who is also known as Sheik Abu Mohammed al Maqdisi, was Abu Musab al Zarqawi’s mentor.